Part 90: gameface My pack is halfway up my ass...
First off:
In the process of getting money for things, I ran into one of these.
Now about SlashMan:

His Chip, HSlash, is the TopMan attack from the battle before. He goes to the outside, spins up, and turns when he reaches the column with the closest enemy.

Like one goon said, his charge shot is the kunais. They don't do a lot of damage, but if an enemy stays in the panel they're created on, they can hit more than once.

This is the SlashMan NaviChip that you get for beating him. He creates kunais in all the panels you own in front of you, and then (if possible) slices the nearest enemy for the damage on the chip.
After all the Colonel and JudgeMan stuff, we arrive in SkyTown.

This is the person who will give us our next Cross, but not right now.

She doesn't tell us who her Navi is, but I'm sure a lot of people here already know.

We will be meeting these 2 again later.

I found one of these while running around SkyArea.
In the Undernet, we have to save Mick's Navi.


Oh damn it.

Megaman gets taken over...

for a few seconds anyway.

And we need to seek out a LinkNavi to save him.

I'll bring SlashMan. Maybe he can help.

On the way, I cut down a tree and find this guy meditating who gives me the Fish NaviCust program, used for finding Aqua viruses.

SlashMan is ready to fight, it seems.
Lan orders him to wait and calls out to MegaMan.

SlashMan must feel like Edward Scissorhands or Wolverine at times with his claws.

Not many people with energy sword hands, Lan. Take a guess.

Whatever, let's get out of here.
So now SkyTown is under attack and the weather is going crazy.

Time for the third Cross!

The name ElecMan sounds familiar to Lan. Lan brings up Count Zap.

Ann Zap makes her first appearance in this game if I'm not mistaken.

So yeah, she's the Count's wife. Let's get to the task!

ElecMan hasn't forgotten about us.
So our task is to get to the coffee guy in SkyArea1. That's simple enough, especially with our love of coffee.

So ElecMan apparently has a job maintaining these coffee shops.

I'm guessing this will be something that Ann does after class?

What exactly is so scary that you can't name them?

Apparently the job of these lights is to keep these ghosts away.

So of course they fail when we arrive, right on cue.

At least Lan was ready for this.

The gimmick of the day is Elec Power. There are ghosts wandering around. If they touch you, you will lose some of that power. Run out and you're traveling blind on the field. (I don't know if there are other penalties if you run out of power, I never even got hit.)

We need to get 8 cyberbatteries. 3 in Area 1, and 5 in Area 2.

There are also these, which will act kind of like torches for you.

These are what the ghost Navis look like. They look more like zombies to me...

These are the emergency switches. They only work while you step on them.

Here's one of the batteries, by the entry to Area 2.

ElecMan can open these cloud gates.

This was the first thing behind it...

This was the other. (I think this is a NaviCust error bug code or something. Someone tell me please?)

Another battery is here, near the area where Epee used the RushFood to get the ColArmy B chip.

The last one is above where the first was found. After all 3 are found:

The area lights up, all the

One of the nice things about this task is there is no battles while you are doing it, because of the way you have to feel around the area.

The first one in Area 2 is by this water gate, heavily guarded by 2 fast moving ghosts.

A lot of the ghosts follow very predictible patterns, like this one here. Use the safe spots to get by on the way to this battery.

The 3rd one is here down past the entry gate to the Undernet. (You can't go in during the mission, I tried.

The second-to-last one is next to the fire gate.

And the last one is right over here, near where we jacked in.

That's all of them! Time to jack out.

Lan thought ElecMan was going to charge them.

To be fair, ElecMan hasn't seen Lan for several games, he doesn't know Lan is always like this.

I'm pretty sure you could do it with less, it would just take a long time?

Anyway, it's time for the battle with ElecMan!
Here's Epee's battle with ElecMan.

Electrokinesis: ElecMan shoots lightning down a single row.

ElecSword: ElecMan teleports up to you and slices you with an electric sword.

Tesla Coils: ElecMan summons 2 Tesla Coils onto your end of the field that will move once in a while. He will also use his electrokinesis attack in combination to make it reflect off the coils.

After the battle, Ann remarks that it was no wonder that Lan was able to beat Count Zap, and thanks him for doing so, as it helped her steer the Count off the path of evil.

We also get the ElecCross!