Part 96: Falzar Cross Recap.
gameface posted a recap of the Gregar Crosses/BeastCrosses and in an attempt to save face and not look lazy, I'll do the same for the Falzar Crosses/BeastCrosses.Note that all Falzar BeastCrosses share the basic traits of Falzar BeastOut:
-Buster becomes the FeatherBuster, shooting out feathers rapidly at the column in front of MegaMan as well as the row ahead of him.
-Auto AirShoes allows you to ignore all negative panel effects aside from elemental attacks doing double damage on the appropriate panels.
-Null element chips that
-MegaMan will teleport in front of enemies to use chips.
-Lasts only 3 turns max. Attempting to reactivate for a 4th turn will result in BeastOver, which is basically DarkInvis all over again.
-Traits of Falzar BeastOut override Cross properties whenever there's a conflict (i.e., buster will always be FeatherBuster).

-Aqua element chips can be charged to deal double damage.
-Charged buster becomes a Bubbler, which has a 1-panel 'splashback' damage effect.
-Using charged Aqua chips restores 5% of your max HP.
-Won't slip on ice.
Weak to Elec attacks.

Identical to AquaCross, except:
-Charged chip attacks become the Aqua Cyclone, hitting the two panels in front of MegaMan multiple times.

-Gain immunity to status ailments like paralysis and confusion. (Very useful against DarkMechs!)
-Charged buster becomes TomahawkSwing, which chops the two columns in front of MegaMan (LifeSword range) and deals damage that counts as wood and sword type. Both versions of the game have crosses that can deal sword-type damage so that you don't have to worry about not having sword chips to defeat Nightmare viruses.
-Wood chips can be charged to deal double damage.
Weak to fire.

-Charged null chips become a Double Wing Boomerang attack that circles the perimeter of the field.

-Auto AirShoes effect.
-Wind attacks get +10 damage, which is more useful than it sounds because almost all wind attacks are multi-hit.
-Charged buster becomes a WindRacket, swiping at the column in front of MegaMan and blowing all enemies to the back row.
-Pressing Left+B creates a Fan effect that sucks enemies to the front row.
Weak to swords.
One thing I've forgotten to mention in this game about wind attacks: they all have NorthWind properties. That is, they blow off auras and barriers automatically.

-Charged null chips become the Breath of Falzar attack.

-Auto SuperArmor, meaning that damage won't cause knockback and interrupt attacks.
-Breaking chips gain an automatic attack+10 damage boost.
-Charged shot becomes the PopUp Drill, which causes MegaMan to disappear under the field for a few seconds before popping up in front of an enemy to drill them in the face.
-Landing a hit with a breaking chip will cause up to 3 rocks to fall from the sky onto the enemy field.
Weak to Cursor.

-Charged null chips become the Drill Drive, which is simply a charge straight ahead with a drill while invincible.

-Charged buster shoots a junk drone ahead, which punches the furthest panel it can reach and cracks it.
-Once per battle, chips can be "recycled" and discarded from the Custom Screen in order to gain new ones.
-Left+B sucks in obstacles and shoots them back out for 200 damage.
Weak to Cursor.

-Charged null chips become a Junk Meteor attack that sends wads of trash crashing down onto the field in front of MegaMan.