Part 7: Rogue Is A Dumb Character I
Going to start off by saying I edited the last update. I sat and thought about it for a bit, and now I think I understand what's going on with Mu and the three Tribes.
Geo's not very pleased with Mega's gluttony.

At this point Harp Note asks if something's wrong. Geo sighs in response.

And while he's trying to think of what to say, his body is engulfed by an aura.

Then Gredy comes over, because guess what we're in the Visible Zone again. Geo's as tongue-tied as ever, so Sonia takes up the slack and proudly introduces him as the one who saved the day.

Too embarassed to say anymore, Geo runs away. Harp Note chases after him,

and Gredy finally notices the OOPArt's gone.

While he does his normal freak-out, Solo warps in.

Cut to outside. Sonia tells Geo not to sweat the small stuff; sure things got chaotic at the end, but the rest of the date was great.

I guess Geo wouldn't be a good superhero if he didn't have self-esteem issues.
Sonia reminds Geo that she really appreciates what he said to her back in SF1.

Unlike the three stooges, Sonia doesn't wait for Geo to rescue her before reforming her BB.

And if that wasn't enough, Sonia hands over a spare Folder too.

Poor Bud and Zack. They're just "them".
Sonia schedules the meeting for tomorrow, and with that I regain control.

And the first thing I do is change my Star Carrier's wallpaper to Amy's, because I'm sick of seeing Luna everywhere.

Bob rushed over here to investigate the incident MegaMan just resolved. He's a little put-off that he was too late, but he decides to fill Geo in on some details anyways.

Was a nice film.

Afterwards, Geo gets an e-mail. A nearby Hertz is randomly overheating, and its desperate for relief.

When MegaMan gets to the scene, the Hertz explains that while it was watching two people enjoy themselves, he suddenly started to feel hot.

Whatever the reason, the Hertz needs relief. More specifically, a ColdBody, a special kind of Ability that lets Hertzes work better in refrigerated environments. Seeing how it also cools hot things down, it's apparently the Varia Suit from Metroid.

They can be bought inside here.

The binoculars also hold more old text data. This one dates back to March XXth.

This is the ColdBody supplier, and he's not about to just hand over his wares to any random mook. But luckily for Geo, his BB with Sonia pushed his LP high enough that the merchant decides he's worth trusting.

A quick jog back, and the day is saved. The Hertz is very thankful,

and now lucid enough to recognize his savior. Turns out MegaMan's famous in both the real and wave worlds.
As an aside, if you go back to the IFL Tower after beating Dark Phantom, all of the Hertzes there will recognize and praise MegaMan. It's a nice touch, and I'm not sure what was wrong with just leaving things like that instead of throwing in this scene and hammering the knowledge into the player's heads.

There's nothing left to do today, so off to bed.

Instead of ominous chatter, tonight Geo's having ominous dreams.

Geo fumbles around for his Visualizer.

The aura almost immediately fades, and Mega reassures Geo he's fine.

Time to get another ColdBody!

And then the scene just ends.

Oh, looks like tonight's a two-for-one.
Hyde's concerned with something, and Vega assumes it's about the OOPArt. She assures him that Solo is more than powerful enough to do the job.

Oh yay, interrupted exposition.

Wait, so he's working with you because he wants to achieve his goal. His goal that he is so obsessed with that he refuses to work with anyone.

For once I agree with Hyde.
Hyde still doesn't trust Solo, so Vega tells him to just shut up and watch.

Geo's watching himself on TV again.

That's a pretty good abridgment of the last conversation about this.
Mega can tell that, despite his grumbling, Geo's enjoying being the hero. Then he reminds Geo about his promise to Sonia.

Not that Geo needed the help.

When Geo gets to the park, instead of his friends he finds Solo. Who is in the process of attempting to shake Ken down for details about MegaMan.
Why does he have to do this, when he saw Geo back at Grizzly Peak?

Solo strolls off with obviously evil intentions.

Mega assumes he's just another fan though. Why does he do this, when he saw Solo back at Grizzly Peak?

Geo, who is thankfully not a complete idiot, recognizes Solo.

Unfortunately he's dumb enough to completely forget about the details of the meeting.

A couple minutes later, and the party's all here. Bud starts gushing about Sonia, and Zack snarks that he's already forgotten about Amy. Then he starts gushing too.

Luna is, once again, not happy about her goons' lack of devotion.

Off on a tangent, Sonia nonchalantly mentions that she went to Wilshire Hills yesterday. With Geo.
Luna freaks.

An odd sound interrupts the conversation.

It's the sound of magical black holes.

And they're all over the town.

While Geo and Sonia know what's going on, the other three have no clue at all.

I love how they're already used to this.

Geo is badgered by the entire group to transform, and eventually he caves in.

Watch out Mega, whiplash like that must really hurt.

Sonia offers to help out too, but Geo's confident. Or just doesn't want to disappoint Luna by not doing things alone.

By the way, before I save the day I think now's a good time to check on what Geo's friends think of him.

These three are treating Geo like a cartoon superhero,

while Sonia understands Geo's feelings about the matter, even if she wants him to transform too.

As soon as Geo pulses in, he and Mega start to look around for the source of the black holes. They aren't very hard to find, what with the whole "being a giant purple eyeball" thing.

Before he can chase after them, though, the odd voice from his dream last night stops him.

And just like that, the aura fades away. Geo has no idea what the hell just happened, but its left him completely exhausted.

Geo sighs that now isn't the time to argue about this. Restoring Echo Ridge should take priority.

The same minigame from last time is in effect, and these things are still here. What is not here, however, are those civilians.

This makes them not being on the overworld either look really silly.

While I'm talking about silly things, note that MegaMan can take these things out in one shot of the Megabuster.

After all three eyes are destroyed, all of the NPCs magically reappear.

What? No he didn't.
Raitzeno posted:
Technically he did. This is a pretty egregious translation goof. Kamikakushi is the japanese version of the phrase 'spirited away', which Copper said, in English, a few seconds ago. Why they got one properly converted and merely transliterated the other, I have no idea.

The screen starts to shake.

The shaking intensifies.

A gigantic hole appears in the sky, and shoots a huge laser at MegaMan. I thought I took a picture of that, but apparently I didn't.

Oh for- was the dramatic rumbling not enough? Why do you need to have a dust cloud too?

(Warning: those with a low tolerance for stupidity should leave now.)
The ~sheer pressure~ Solo's exuding is weighing down on MegaMan.

Geo realizes that Solo was the one behind the black holes.

Because that's an accomplishment, right?
Geo asks if Hyde's a friend of Solo's.

Solo reacts very negatively to the word "friend".

Note: Solo's eyes stop being a thing after this cutscene.

Mega refuses, and sneers that he ate the OOPArt. Solo replies that he'll just have to tear it out of him. He pulls out an Ancient Star Carrier,

but this one doesn't have an EM Body inside.

Solo draws a glowing symbol in the air. Geo recognizes it as a symbol of the Mu.

Four more symbols appear,
Music: Melody of Isolation

and Solo EM Wave Changes into Rogue.

Then why did you need an Ancient Star Carrier?

Because things weren't dumb enough, Geo's friends pick this exact time to run over. Geo tries to get them to leave,

but they're being dumb.

Rogue summons another eyeball,

and attacks Geo's friends.

Now incredibly angry, MegaMan destroys the eyeball in one shot like the last three and saves his friends.

Ahaha I'm just kidding, that would make too much sense.

Oh well, at least the game's giving me an opportunity to punch Rogue's face in now. The entire point of the Star Force series is how important friendships are, so with Geo's friends on the line there's no way they'd pull some more cutscene bullshit.

Rogue could use an attitude adjustment too.

There wasn't even a battle, just a flash of white.

No you said you didn't need friendships.
...Okay, let me correct that. Originally Solo said that he didn't need friends, and now he's pretending he said that Geo doesn't need any.

Note: Even though Rogue has a walking animation, over here he teleports to Geo. He teleports a single step.

Okay, so this is the part where MegaMan gets a second wind and beats the shit out of Rogue, right?

Don't ask me why Solo's suddenly so eager to convert Geo into his cult of loneliness by the way. I guess the two started an idealogical debate when we weren't looking.

MegaMan rises to his feet.

The screen flashes white.

no i'm pretty sure it's because he's pissed off

Fucking finally.

Fuck you Rogue, you're not worth using Battle Cards on.

So if after all of that you were expecting a challenging boss, Rogue is here to disappoint.

His only tough attack is this quick combo, which can do anywhere from two to four hits. With Super Armor though, it's a joke.

Rogue's also packing two projectiles attacks, this easily avoided shockwave,

and these fists. None of these attacks are Breaking, so proper use of the shield can stop all of them.
Now don't get me wrong, Rogue will eventually become an interesting boss. But right now he's a complete joke, making that cutscene all the more ridiculous. By the way, remember how MegaMan was engulfed in the OOPArt's aura prior to this fight? That doesn't carry over into this fight. MegaMan is exactly the same as normal.

I supposed I should go over another game mechanic too. Gorgon Eye here is a Giga card with a special attack attribute: it pierces through mercy invincibility. It's not the only card that can do it too, though it is by far the most damaging.

Look who doesn't even have an injured sprite.

Rogue gets ready for round 2.

Mega is not impressed.

Vega responds that Rogue's pride is pointless; he's been wounded, he should retreat.

Oh look, he's playing the "I could have killed you" card.

Rogue teleports away in a flash of light because he seriously has barely any sprites.

Spoilers: he never will.

Geo's still pissed, but the sound of the black hole closing jolts him back to reality. He desperately runs over and sticks his arm in,

and grabs someone. Or rather, since he's using Mega's head, bites someone.

...Fuck. Can I do an exchange?


The game segues to Vega's hideout.

To the side, Hyde is snickering that even Solo couldn't beat MegaMan.

Vega tells Solo to calm down. She then reassures him that though MegaMan may have the OOPArt, he can't control it.

Believe me, that would have been much more interesting than what the game actually does.

Hyde requests to be allowed to finish him. This pisses Solo off, since he's the one who's going to kill MegaMan, but Vega tells him to go ahead.

Hyde warps off,

and Solo is stopped from charging Vega.

Vega once more tells Solo to calm down. She reminds him that they won't do anything to get in his way... so he shouldn't get in their way either. She adds that he should follow Hyde.


Early design ideas for Wood Ninja.

Rough draft of Wood Ninja.

Wood Ninja official art.