Part 12: Rogue Is A Dumb Character II

Luna refuses to leave without Bud, so the group's camping tonight.

The next morning, something's happening at the village. A nearby NPC says that today's the day of the annual festival.

So have you been enjoying how goofy this scenario has been?

Because it's going to get stupid now.

There's a giant hole in the sky, and Geo and Mega know what that means.

Guess who's back?

Geo and Mega have no idea why Solo is here,

and Luna had better mean "you". I swear to God, if she gets everyone warped all over the world again.

Oh good, Geo was worrying about that too.

I don't think he's the one who needs to be told that. Try not to get kidnapped again, please?

Solo is kind enough to wait for Geo to run across the map, pulse in, follow the Wave Road, and fight a few random encounters. I actually ran into a battle while stepping on to the point that would trigger the next cutscene.

I wonder if MegaMan's in the Visible Zone again? If he isn't, Solo is going to look completely insane to the residents of Whazzap.

Solo decides another show of force is in order, and pulses in.

Once again, Geo gets his ass kicked in a flash of light.

He says, after being sent here on a mission by the group he's working with.

It's really hard to take anything Rogue says seriously when he's going to get destroyed as soon as this cutscene is over.

Another flash of light.

So I guess EM bodies can punch physical objects now? Chalk up another broken setting rule for Solo.


since Geo is obviously too weak to confront Solo's immense power,

the OOPArt has to step in and save the day.

And of course, since this is a Rogue cutscene,

Geo magically can't control the OOPArt anymore. I wasn't kidding when I said the game pretends the whole Ophiuca thing never happened.

Anyone notice that Mega hasn't said a thing since the very beginning of the cutscene?

Making that vow restores Geo's dominance of the OOPArt. The screen shakes violently, and MegaMan...

doesn't transform into Fire Saurian.

Didn't Geo and Solo already have this conversation?

Alright, cutscene's over.


Rogue is the exact same as last time. So much for him holding back.

In this fight, I used Kung Foo Kid's secret effect: if you activate the card while grass panels are on the field, the Kid will power up and do increased damage. This synergizes well with Green Carpet and Grass Stage, two cards that create grass panels,

as well as the Ninja tribe. There's no animation for this one because it's the same as Saurian Ninja's, only there's a different model at the end.

Element: Wood
Charge Shot: Shinobi Star
Card Charge: Train Combo
Passive Abilities: Elec +20, Side Select, Wood +20, Anti-Damage
Link Force Big Bang: Elemental Blade

Rogue is forced out of his Wave Change.

Geo is as still as a statue.

And even if he wasn't, he wouldn't have had the time to take a shot.

Solo refuses to leave, stuttering that he can still win. Hollow turns around and flatly tells the dope he's too weak to beat MegaMan.

Oh hey, these guys are still here.

Geo fears the worst, and rushes to Bud's side.

The screen fades to black, and the story picks up the next morning.

Yeah, acting like a normal person is just so weird.

Sounds legit.

The main characters stroll in.

Wasn't Bud unconscious? How did he even hear her?

Geo's delighted to hear Bud again, while Zack is smug about his plan working.

And as always, Luna bitches.

A quick cut later, and Bud somehow changes back into his old clothes.

Bud turns to Geo and personally thanks him for his efforts.

Mega breaks up the moment to alert Geo that his LP has gone up.

It's gone up by 30.

But in an interesting twist,

the scenario isn't over yet.

The Shaman reminds Bud that he is still the ruler of Whazzap, and as such can not leave. Bud's response is that while he's grateful to the village for all of the food,

The Shaman screams for help.

Cue a chase scene.

And then a bunch of shots of the villagers patrolling the area.

Considering the group is hiding in plain sight, I kind of wonder if they're even looking.

Mega recommends Geo do something about the Shaman if he wants to leave.

Geo orders everyone to keep hiding while he does his thing.

And then MegaMan was in the Visible Zone.

The Shaman turns around and sighs that he can't do that. Geo presses him for a reason, and the Shaman answers that Budicus will make the people of Whazzap powerful.

Mega snickers that the Shaman just wants Bud as a figurehead.

Geo immediately refuses, but Mega fires back that it's the only option.

Seizing his chance, Mega claims to be an evil monster straight from Hades.

The Shaman recalls an ancient Whazzap tale about a great beast, who drove the people to starvation through eating all of the food.

MegaMan charges at the Shaman.

Mega scoffs that of course there's no such thing as Eatzitup.

Meanwhile, the people of Whazzap freak out when they see their leader unconscious. Geo and Mega seize the chance to escape with everyone.

Which apparently means returning to that tent.

Luna packs up,

and Zack... what.



Bud and Zack get in the car, while Geo assures Luna that he can get back the way he came.

Luna promises to meet Geo back home, then gets in the car before it zooms away.

This guy gives me the Card Finder as a reward for having such a high LP.

The counterpart to Zenny Finder, this is incredibly useful for completing the Card Library.

Time to ditch. I'm sure kidnapping Whazzap's religious icon as well as assaulting its political leader will have no repercussions whatsoever.

The Shaman is furious.

The Shaman bemoans that Whazzap will never become prosperous now.

Oh god damn it.

I feel sorry for the Shaman. Everyone keeps ignoring him to have their own conversations.

The Shaman asks who Hyde thinks he is to try a trick like that on him.

Condor introduces itself as a guardian of Mu, astonishing the Shaman. He recognizes Condor as one of the shapes formed by the Whazzap Lines.

Hyde explains that if the Shaman were to use an Ancient Star Carrier, the legacy of Mu, Whazzap could achieve anything.

Hyde reminds the Shaman what he's giving up by sticking to tradition. He threatens that Whazzap will forever be known as a small and worthless country in the south. The Shaman says nothing for a bit,

then relents.

Condor proceeds to fuse with the Shaman.

Hyde laughs that a fake ruler isn't necessary anymore: the Shaman can rule now.

Terra Condor flies away.

And guess who he's about to kidnap?

Elemental Blade.

This statue is supposed to look like it could be either Solo or Bud.

Solo's concept art. He's got a ton of early designs too, but I'll wait till I get to his backstory before I post those.