Part 14: In Case You Thought Sonia Wasn't A Jerk
Hey guys, guess what?
This scenario shines the spotlight on Solo! I can just feel how excited you are.

The screen flashes, and Solo's revealed to be standing in the Un-dimension. Losing to Geo (and by proxy Link Power) has pissed him off, and he's basically throwing a tantrum.

Hollow warps in.

And just like that,

Solo does a 180.

Well that's an interesting reaction from someone who constantly bitches about LP.

Solo paces for a bit, then makes his decision.


I'm starting to wonder if Hollow broke. That many ellipses can not be healthy.

Solo's screams of pain are accompanied by the Un-dimension flashing and trembling.

Hollow warps away, leaving Solo solo.

Cut to Geo's ominous dream of the scenario.

Sonia fades away, to Geo's shock. He scans the area for her in vain.

The screen flashes white,

And this random laugh that will never be explained pops up.

Mega kindly waits for Geo to get dressed before asking if it was another nightmare.

If you're wondering, no, none of the NPCs seem to care that a nationally famous pop star has been gone for so long.

This is all Geo should have said.

Geo gets a call from Bud, who's excitedly exclaims that he has a lead on Sonia. He calls Geo to his house so they can all discuss it.

Since Bud and Zack got flung overseas, they decided the best way to find Sonia would be to watch some international channels. And what do you know, it worked.
I don't know why they didn't just use the internet either.

But A for effort I suppose.

Luna: still Luna.

The show explains that lately, planes passing through a certain altitude/location have suddenly broken down. This has forced numerous emergency landings.

This guy is the pilot of the latest affected plane.

Mega complains about the pilot's nervous streak, but Geo tells him to shush; there's something much more important to talk about.

My memories of SF1's endgame are fuzzy, but I'm pretty sure the Echo Ridge group have never seen Harp Note. Bud and Zack are calling the entire group over because they heard about a girl in pink.
I mean they're right since no other girl in the world wears pink, but still.

Thank God Geo has a brain.

Here's the last Double Tribe: Ninja Saurian.

Element: Fire
Charge Shot: Dino Cannon
Card Charge: Auto Lock-On
Passive Abilities: Wood +20, Anti-Damage, Fire +30, Super Armor
Link Force Big Bang: Enma Gale

After Geo gets to Loch Mess, another cutscene plays.

Did he just speak without an ellipse?

Vega wonders how Hollow managed to convince

Oh, there we go.


Geo's arrived. And you know what?

Screw Sonia, I've got some business underwater.

Yeah, uh, you do that.

There's only one of these left.

Another dead Hertz, another Indie Frag.

Also, this guy.

That... guy...
Damn it I forgot to unequip Zenny Finder, let me do that again.

There we go. Now, see how the card has "EX" in its name?

That's because each Mega card has three forms. The base one, the stronger EX version, and the final SP form. Which one you get depends on the level of the boss you beat. And in most other games in the series, that means you get the base from the EX boss and the other two from the SP. And that's usually a pretty annoying process since even encountering SP bosses can be time consuming!

So being able to get the EX card from the EX boss if you do well enough is another thing SF2 gets right. Though it kind of leads to a weird thing where you fight the SP boss just to get the regular card,

since I can get almost all of the SP cards just from Cipher Mail.

Back to the plot. Geo questions the pilot about the girl he saw, and is told that the plane's black box caught her all on film. Unfortunately, it's at the bottom of the loch so nobody can get it.
Nobody except Geo of course.

But first, Bob!

He's not even surprised anymore.

Bob's really curious about how they all happened at the exact same place.

Bob apologizes for wasting Geo's time with his thoughts, and finishes with a hope his superiors are wrong.

Back underwater, this is magically here now.

From this guy.

His description says his name's ProjectoSnoot,

but he introduces himself as Projectr. The curse of Plesio lives on.

The video starts with a bunch of static, since all of the instruments (including the camera) were screwing up.

but the end clearly shows Harp Note.

This scene implies Sonia's name is pronounced "Sun-ya". It fits, considering Geo and Luna's names.

While Geo and Mega have their private talk, Tayle is disappointed.

...Yes it would?
Tayle starts to leave, but Geo cuts him off to ask a question.

Geo resolves to go there through the Sky Wave.

Also the game won't let me return this.

Bermuda's right past Whazzap, so I'll take a pit stop there.

There are tourists all over Whazzap.

But I came for this, a piece of ammonite I can pulse into.

Inside is another Blank Card, an HP Memory 10, and the last piece of old data.

That's right: Link Power is Cutscene Power. Turns out Solo's a giant hypocrite!

Completing the Battle Network sidequest results in this e-mail. Let's save it for the future.

Doesn't look broken to me.

Mega busts the door down again.


Geo starts forward,

and just as quickly stops.

Geo backs away, stunned.

Mega snaps at Geo to focus.

The attack knocks MegaMan out.

Score two for friendship.
I don't have any concept art relevant to this update. Sorry.