Part 23: Well That Was Entirely Pointless
This week's update delayed by Salty Bet and my shitty new ISP. Let me tell you, nothing more fun than waiting an hour for your images to upload because your net keeps crashing every other minute.

Le Mu blows up.

Except not really, it's kind of just broken.

Wait Le Mu's a he? All that time correcting my pronouns was for nothing.

MegaMan falls to his knees in exhaustion. Probably shouldn't have taken the Tribe King video second, this doesn't make much sense when the battle was a minute long.

Wouldn't that happen anyways?


I'm sure you've all been on the edge of your seats waiting to hear about Rogue.

Since this time Rogue is on the top-left of the screen, he can't do his "zoom forward and change to after slash pose". To get around this the programmers just had the screen flash white,

and have Rogue and Hollow switch places. Which is lazy, but somewhat understandable.

What's not so understandable is when they do it again. Come on guys, this is the end of the game! Would it kill you to throw in some effort?


Hollow suddenly gasps. Presumably he felt something through his BB?

Hollow doesn't even bother to answer and warps away. So much for an endless battle in the void.

Vega asks if Le Mu is ready to end everything.

Seems he is!

How the hell does that even begin to work? Are EM waves explosive?
...Actually, enemies do blow up on defeat. Never thought that would be plot-critical but SF2 is full of surprises.

I hate to break it to you Vega, but Mu is not particularly big. It's like about the size of an island? It blowing up isn't going to destroy all of society, especially not one with Star Force's ridiculous super science.

Also this is a terrible way to translate "slumping over".

Mega points out that all they have to do is destroy Le Mu for good before impact.

MegaMan prepares to take the shot, but then Hollow joins the fray.

And the first thing he does is the devastating "push the other guy over" technique.

Geo rises to his feet while Mega grumbles that they don't have any time to waste on Hollow.

So Geo unleashes his ultimate attack:

The deadly body slam.

Somehow this replicates the exact damage Rogue's sword did to Hollow's costume.

What gave it away, the fact that he's flashing blue? Come on Geo.

Out of context, I love how it sounds like Geo doesn't trust Zack's word at all.

Geo recalls that Zack claimed Vega made the first Matter Wave, but he's surprised to hear it was a person.

Oh great, more backstory. The game just ended, why are the writers picking now to try to make me give a shit about the main villain?

By the way, did you look up Tanabata like I said to last update?

Because if not you should do it right now.

See, the Tanabata Festival celebrates what is pretty much Japan's Romeo and Juliet.

The result of this story is that two star-crossed lovers, Orihime and Hirohito, are only allowed to meet once per year.

This meeting is represented by the two stars Vega and Altair.

So for all intents and purposes the main villains are named Romeo and Juliet.

And once you realize that, Vega and Hollow become utterly impossible to take seriously. Because come the fuck on.

Vega confirms, but sighs that things didn't go as well as she hoped. Hollow was an exact physical copy of Altair,

Hence the name.

Vega laughs that that was when she gave up... or at least that was when she tried to.

It takes its sweet time doing it, but Vega's backstory does ultimately tie her to the game's theme.

It wasn't her anger at stupidity that drives her, it's the loss of a loved one. She's probably supposed to be how Geo could have ended up if he didn't have all his friends.

I mean the whole thing's still silly as hell because of course the one person who wants to destroy everything just happens to come across the tools to do that.

This time it's Geo who groans that he doesn't have time for this drama.

And just like that, Le Mu suffers a bad case of explosions. Vega tries to calm him down, but Mega yells that the EM God is in critical condition.

The explosions grow more intense, but Vega keeps on trying to stop them.

The screen goes white,

and Geo finds himself knocked all the way back to the entrance. He's okay enough to stand up, and the first thing he does is check on Le Mu.

Geo turns around to find that Vega and Hollow were knocked even farther than him. And while that should've killed Vega,

Hollow made sure it didn't.

This would be touching if this massive aspect of Hollow's character was touched on at all previous to this scenario.
As is the writers have compressed what should have been a game-long mystery into what, two scenes? Three?

Man, what's Vega so worried about? Considering his previous abuse of ellipses, all of these dots must mean that Hollow's fine.

Geo must be feeling so awkward right now.

Welp. Now Vega has to go into her Star Carrier, select the Hollow Matter Wave, and rematerialize him all over again.

Oh wait she can't do that because reasons.
Vega falls to her knees in despair.

And Geo finally enters the scene.

Vega groans that even though Hollow wasn't Altair, she treasured the time she spent with him. In fact, Hollow had filled in the hole Altair's death had left in her heart!

Again, this would all be much more meaningful if it wasn't all introduced at the ass end of the plot.

So are just ignoring that you caused Hollow to die, or?

I guess that's a yes.


??: don't...

Who's up for some divine intervention?
??: ...ease... don't...

Because clearly, the best way to resolve the villain's main motivation being a dead lover is to

have that lover's ghost come back from the dead!

??: Please... don't cry... Ve... ga...

For someone who built an exact duplicate of her lost love all in hopes of hearing his voice again,
??: Please, don't cry, Vegalita...
Vega is surprisingly bad at recognizing Altair's voice.

??: It's me, Vegalita.

Altair explains that Hollow's prayer called him here.
??: It was a really strong prayer. It passed through dimensions.
Altair apologizes for having left Vega behind, claiming he never wanted to make her sad. Which is kind of silly since he died and all.

Our heroes are still just standing there.

??: I can't do that... But I promise that I will always watch over you. Always...

??: I want you to promise me something, Vegalita.

??: I want you to remember what we once shared... We shared loved and happiness together... Right...?
So in the end,

Geo doesn't really do anything.
??: I understand, believe me. All those tears blurred your view of the world... But now, it's time to wipe those tears away.
Sure he stopped Le Mu, but it's Altair who "redeems" Vega. And just like everything else in this scenario, he suddenly popped in out of nowhere with no prior foreshadowing.

??: It's time for me to go now...

??: You shouldn't say things like that. The voice that called me here... He gave up his life so he could save yours, didn't he?

Vega is a no-show in SF3, so it's actually safe to assume she dies during SF2's ending.

??: ...Vegalita... I love you. Now and forever...

??: Farewell, Vegalita. Live a long and happy life.

The yellow sparkles stop. Vega is silent for a bit, then wonders if she imagined the whole thing.

Was this a conversation between MegaMan and Rogue that got cut and repurposed? Because this makes no sense at all.

What Geo should be doing right now is talking about his dad, which would call back to Vega's earlier claim that Geo couldn't possibly understand her life.

Instead he shatters the (hypothetical) pathos of the scene to basically say "see, my definition of Link Power was right!"

Well it's a bit late, but I guess now Geo will tell his sto-

Le Mu is sick of being left out.

Well it sure took its time then.

I take this bit as the writers admitting the Vega cutscenes took way too damn long, so they threw this in to jog the player's memories.

The justification for this is that Le Mu is holding all of Mu together. By destroying him, Mu will break up into tiny fragments that will spread damage on a much, much wider scale.
I don't think this plan was very well thought out.

But fuck it, why not.
Vega asks what MegaMan will do.

Geo reassures Vega that he'll be fine, and eventually she agrees to his plan. But he has to do something for her too.

I'm not sure why she suddenly cares about Geo so much when he wasn't even the one to convince her.

Cut to black since Vega doesn't have walking sprites.

Now I need to walk back to Le Mu.

Geo fires a charge shot,

and apparently severely damages Le Mu? They could have at least made a damaged form of the sprite.
Geo releases another charge shot,

but for some arbitary reason this one doesn't do anything.

Le Mu roars, and the screen fades to white while Geo screams.

I guess he got attacked?
??: ...Me... Ma...

??: Ma...

Geo shakily gets up and wonders if he blacked out. Meanwhile Mega asks if he has a plan to take down Le Mu.

Geo tries to get another shot ready, but finds himself too drained to do it.
Then the mysterious voice comes back.

??: ...Mega...

Confused, Geo takes out his Star Carrier...

and inadvertently picks up the phone.

In what is perhaps the world's biggest dick move,

Luna has gathered up all of Echo Ridge to watch her talk to Geo. Except for Hope.
I'm sure nobody will wonder why Luna has MegaMan's number.

But that's not the worst part.

This shit is streaming worldwide.

And it's all because of this fuckup.
Geo is powered by friendship, not popularity. What the fuck are you clowns doing?

I guess nobody cares about Wilshire Hills.

Well that's awfully convenient.

Geo's Star Carrier wasn't even on until now. Was the sound alone enough?

Geo rises to his feet.

Gasping for breath, Geo admits that now he's completely spent. Again. Mega's about to tell him to get his ass in gear anyways, but a huge tremor cuts him off.

Is this still on camera?

Well there goes the secret identity.

Despite the fact it was a plot point that Mu had moved to Electopia, now it's over the Bermuda Triangle again.

As the "continent" blows up, an eerie light can be seen...

plunging into the ocean.

The newscaster announces that thanks to the efforts of MegaMan, Mu has broken up into pieces. The world has been saved.

And indeed, by SF3 MegaMan is an international celebrity. It's pretty cool, especially considering the series' prior track record with world fame.
Music: Engraved Memories

Not so cool are the credits, which are an unskippable six-minute slideshow

of wall paintings depicting the events of the game. I guess the people of Mu predicted everything?
If you want to see all of them, just go to the table of contents in the first post.

At the end the OOPArt sinks to the bottom of the ocean, irrelevant even in its final moments.

Cue a quick progress report on my Library completion,

and then the epilogue.

??: Geo...

??: Geo... Can you hear me...?

SF3 establishes that Kelvin's lightyears away in space, so this is Geo hallucinating.

Kelvin wishes Geo luck, and promises to always be with him.

And then Geo wakes up in the exact spot he began the game in.

In the game's continuing efforts to sabotage all of its themes and characters, Geo's friends aren't the ones to save him.

Nope, it's Solo. You know, the guy who's supposed to despise sentimental stuff like this.

I see.
So Geo's unconscious body, in the throne room at the very center of Mu, was blocking your way out.
That makes perfect sense.

This would make sense if Geo had convinced Solo that he was wrong about life, but that didn't happen so this is just Solo's character veering off course again.

Considering that's what your character is about? Yeah.

But no, Solo has to be ~edgy and cool~, he can't show weak human emotions.
Except anger, cause that's totally not an emotion.

He's totally bullshitting.

Solo starts to walk away, but Geo calls for him to wait.

Finally something I can agree with.

Oh I get you. I get that you're a terrible character.

Solo leaves for good.

The crew rush at Geo and fall over themselves welcoming him. Luna in particular is in tears.

Zack: still a jerk.

Luna: still prone to mood swings.

Bud: still really likes food.

Sonia: still the only tolerable friend Geo has.
Man, it's like nothing's changed.

Oh wait.

That's because nothing has changed.

has gone through an entire god damned game and came out the exact same.

could have easily said this exact same speech at the end of SF1.

ultimately hasn't done anything but clean up his friend's messes.

really should be getting hell from his mother right now. Where'd she go?

jack shit. Well except Bud, Luna, and Sonia. They tried to kill Geo.

Which is why it's really silly that they actually got the whole world to cheer Geo on.

See you guys in the worst postgame ever.

The triumphant return of the built-in shoes.

Height comparison between Vega and Geo. Damn Vega is short.

A better look at Altair.