Part 2: Mission 2: San Francisco

Mission 2: San Francisco


S&W .44 Magnum - Paint Type
M29 created by S&W, this weapon
can be used to mark targets
with red paint.
This increases the damage they
take in Burst Mode.

German H&K Submachine Gun.
Built to the Mobile Armor specs,
this weapon has low damage but a
high rate of fire. This allows for
easy missile interception.

Light Grenade
H&K developed launching system
for grenades with wide range.
Improved for Mobile Armor use.
Multi Missiles

MM Launcher
Designed by the US Army during
the Arizona Insurrection, it fires 8
missiles at once upon a wide range
of enemies.

Ground Vehicles

M1A2 Abrams
The most common ground vehicle we'll encounter that actually can attack us, more durable than the Cargo Truck and requires lots of dive kicks or explosives to deal with. Not too hard to avoid its cannon considering it's slow and it's a tank.

The first boss enemy, alternates between firing 8 missiles and charging its large energy cannon. Burst Attack makes quick work of it, but fighting it legitimately requires constant use of rapid fire to avoid missile damage and heavy weapons to hurt it.