Part 6: Mission 6: Beverly Hills

Mission 6: Beverly Hills


PDW - EN Type
An MP7 modified to use energy
rounds. This reduces enemy
defense capabilities and has an
extremely low rate of energy

LAW - Precise Type
M72A3 equipped with long range
precision capabilities. Boasts a
higher attack power than the
standard model with a broad
targeting range.
LPer's Note: Of all the vague weapon descriptions given in the translation patch, this one is the most blatantly false. From Soft item descriptions definitely hadn't reached Souls levels of quality by this point, but christ, man. the stats don't lie.
Sniper Rifle

Sniper Cannon - Anti-Tank Type
Developed during the Arizona
Insurrection, this special anti-tank
cannon was built for Mobile Armor
use. Has high armor penetration.

Ground Vehicles

M939 Trot Truck
This truck is the same model as the regular cargo truck used to transport infantry troops. However, instead of carrying troops, it carries bombs. They drive towards their targets with no regard to any obstacles, only blowing up when at close range to their target. Also, the fuck is a "trot"? Wouldn't Bomb Truck make more sense the same way that Cargo Truck does? Maybe Richard's a fan of a alliteration or something.

M2A2 Bradley
A step up from the Abrams, it's a slightly bigger tank with the ability to deploy troops from the back much like the Escobar. However, that's about it as far as notable features go. It's also not particularly mobile and tends to stay in place making it an even easier target.