Part 8: Mission 7: Miami Beach

Mission 7: Miami Beach

Robert Forrester
A brigadier general that has somehow been put in charge of a command cruiser overseeing the white slave trade operation, he is also Michael Wilson's former commander back during his days in the Arizona Insurrection. Much like everyone else in the military currently, he appears to be following the orders sent down from the new Commander-in-Chief Richard Hawk without any disobedience, however he holds no particular grudge against Metal Wolf itself or its pilot. He is a soldier who chooses to carry out his given duty to the end and tells Michael to do the same.


Desert Eagle
Developed by IMI, this high caliber
pistol has been transferred to the
Special Ops Suit. With high range
and handling this is one of the most
powerful handguns

Desert Eagle - Paint Type
The DE91 has been adapted to fire
blue paint. This marks the enemies
and causes them to take more
damage from attacks

SPAS12 - Narrow Type
SG1 with the spread narrowed.
Range has been increased making it
useful against infantry and tanks.

SPAS12 - Drifting Mine Type
SG1 retrofitted to fire floating
mines. Mines are useful against
infantry and helpful for juggling

Designed originally for helicopters
and aircraft, this weapon was
redesigned for Mobile Armor use.
More narrow range than the stock
MP7 but sports much higher attack
capability and rate of fire.

Minigun - Strafe Type
M134 with high strafing ability.
Features high rate of fire and
attack power with a much widened
range. Can cut through infantry and
other objects with ease.

Railgun developed by the US Army
in 2010, it has been upgraded for
Mobile ARmor use. Charge time has
been lowered while attack power
has been increased.

Air Vehicles

A10 Thunderbolt II
Large bombers that fly in a straight path yet are still fairly hard to hit. Missile Launchers are the ideal weapon type for dealing with these aircraft, though a well charged railgun can also work if fired at the right angle and with enough preparation. Not much of a threat outside of the bombs that are dropped as they can still be easily avoided.
Autonomous Weapons

Autoarms B300
Landmines with legs that seek out their targets. They are still very easy to destroy with concentrated fire and as a result they're a source of easy "Cool" points to build up your rush combo. However, much like normal landmines, letting them attack you deals about the same amount of damage as well.