Part 14: Mission 12: The Fight House

Mission 12 - The Fight House

Missile Launcher

Pres Patriot
Anti-air weapon improved by firing
four missiles at once. Missiles are
slow, but the damage is very high
due to the number of rounds used
at once.


Soldier Stealth
Soldiers that are supposedly equipped for stealth tactics. While there are enemies that have stealth camouflage, they aren't really applied to these specific enemies. They're just another enemy type that feels like a re skin of the regular soldier enemy. But at least they're blue.

Cyborg C10A
Cyborg enemies with shotguns, so they're built more for close range. At least unlike the sniper enemies they're weapons don't have the range or pin point accuracy to interrupt your actions.

Cyborg C12M
Cyborg with a minigun, these have optical camouflage as an option, though outside of that their threat level is about the same as the rest of the cyborg enemy types.