Part 20: Hell Mode 03: THIS! IS!! THE CLIMAX!!!!

Hell Mode Part 3





Assault Rifle

Beam Rifle
Specially adapted from space
technology and resources, this
special beam is designed to destroy
heavy armor with pure energy

Gemini - Richard Hawk Model
Developed by the collective efforts
of the entire US weaposn research
division, this devastating weapon
causes havoc with each round. The
Vice President calls it a "splendid
Missile Launcher

Pisces - Richard Hawk Model
Developed for the Vice President
by the entire US weapons research
division, this weapon is aimed at
fleeing prey. As relentless and cruel
as the Vice President himself.

Volcano - Auto Arms Type
Developed during the Arizona
Insurrection, this weapon fires a
laser so the A2 unit can launch an
autonomous grenade. An excellent
tactical weapon which can wipe out

Taurus - Richard Hawk Model
Developed byt he entire US forces,
each explosion hoists a cloud of
black smoke which drinks the life
from the earth and sky.

Developed in Kansas, this special
artificial tornado generator fires
blasts of air out of the front. Blows
away everything that is in front of

Freeze Thrower
Developed by refrigerator
companies, it emits cold gas which
instantly freezes the enemy.