Part 10: Sanctuary Campaign, Map One, Part Two
I've recorded some of the conversations for this map, simply because the accents really help make it. I might see about doing this for the rest of the maps in the future. We'll see.Also note the reduced screenshot size - hopefully it helps without diminshing the quality.

It's worth it to pick up Tactics as soon as possible, since our initial stacks of Priestesses are close together. This means that melee troops can stand in between them and block them both.
There are a few easy Haven troops in the area, and a free stack of Coral Priestesses.

Except that Katsue is totally fibbing - you get Coral Priestesses, not Pearl ones, which can't even heal now.

On the subject of healing, let's talk about Irina's skill options. Irina will still be picking up a few essential Skills, like Reinforcements and Tactics. Because she's a Magic Hero, though, she has a lot more mana to burn and regenerate and can afford to pick up more spells. Sanctuary loses access to Fire and Darkness spells, so that means no Drain Life. However, we do pick up Heal, Regeneration, and later on Stone Skin, which cuts Might damage by about a third. We'll get some Blood spells later on, but for now, being able to get by fights with no losses is a good thing.
There's a nearby Naga hero, which means plot trigger!
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Translation: Shut up Katsue.
The area just beyond Mukao is full of Haven troops and resources, and a Magic stat boost. The battles aren't really hard, given judicious use of Waves of Renewal and Regeneration. The problem is just the time it takes to collect everything though. You might want to consider picking up the Logistics trait for this map, which gives us +3 movement points a day. Our point of interest though, is to the right, where some Haven troops are guarding our next core troop.

That we don't. It's a simple battle and we can look at the Kappa-

Yes. Thank you.

Biography posted:
Often jokingly described as the offspring of a toad and a turtle, Kappas are in truth minor Water Spirits linked to the rivers and lakes, bound to a material shape by their alliance with the Naga priesthood. Travellers from other lands often make fun of the Kappas appearance and demeanour, but the Naga know better and never underestimate the martial talents of these strange creatures.
Kappa Damage: 3-4 (Might) Defense: 5 (11%) Magic Defense: 4 (9%) Health: 21 Initiative: 55 Movement: 4 (Walking) Range: None Morale: 5 Destiny: 7 Cost: 90 Growth: 8/week Abilities: Leap, Living, Amphibian, Vulnerability to Air, Resistance to Water
Leap posted:
Jumps like Jaguar. Fights like demon. Orc Warriors admire the Kappa for the challenge it gives them during a battle, as it leaps from an amazing distance to deliver a devastating attack. Because the Kappa is a minor spirit enemies often underestimate its intelligence, but it knows when and where to leap in order to gain the maximum benefit of surprise. The longer the pounce, the more destructive its landing.
Leap is a move that takes one turn to recharge. It allows the Kappa to leap double its current movement rate (so 8 tiles without any modifications) to a target enemy and deal damage. The damage is increased by 5% per tile, but the Kappa can't leap if the distance is shorter than 2 tiles, and they can't jump over obstacles or other troops.
While the Kappa's offensive stats are sub-par and it's funny looking, having fairly low damage and movement, their have very well-balanced defenses and decent health, and more importantly, check out that stunning Initiative! You'll pretty much be going first every round. The Kappa's big prize is its Leap ability, which allows it to cross large distance to neuter shooters and even double back to defend your Priestesses. It's a fairly lame creature while Leap is on cooldown, though. Reinforcements at the start of a battle can help them tank hits after they get a pre-emptive strike with Leap.
After you finish gathering all the resources in the area (which can take you about a week), we can head south... only to find an impassable body of water.

As an aside, the Dragon Nexus also doubles your mana and recharges it for a week.

The island is to the west, and offshore is also a boat filled with a weak Haven hero.

After we approach the Nexus, Irina's horse changes to a lovely green and we can now walk across water from a beach (provided we're only carrying Sanctuary troops). Time to kick some Haven butt.

Getting Improved Tactics helps the Kappa out a bunch, as they can now leap all the way across the battlefield. They need to be almost perfectly aligned with their target, though. Another tidbit of interest in that while Irina is a Monk, her Hero Attacks do Light damage for this map only.
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Despite what they say, we only get Shark Guards, not the upgraded Wanizame. I guess Sanctuary troops are in the habit of lying.

Biography posted:
In the year 512 YSD, the Wizards of the Seven Cities created the Beastmen as guards, servants... and playthings. Perhaps one of the most bizarre experiments of a particularly imaginative wizard was to create a hybrid between man and shark, a breed which the wizard hoped would make unsurpassed naval troops. The members of the Wizard Council were not convinced and decided to trade the military use of the Sharkmen for a political one: they offered the creatures as a gift to the Naga lords. The Nagas welcomed the Sharkmen as equals rather than slaves, and offered them honourable positions as guards of their underwater palaces. In return, the Shark Guards follow their masters with unyielding pride and loyalty.
Shark Guard Damage: 3-5 (Might) Defense: 4 (9%) Magic Defense: 2 (5%) Health: 25 Initiative: 30 Movement: 4 (Walking) Range: None Morale: 7 Destiny: 3 Cost: 90 Growth: 8/week Abilities: Ferocious Wound, Living, Amphibian, Vulnerability to Air, Resistance to Water
Ferocious Wound posted:
Use your chopsticks! Youre a true Naga, not a Wanizame! This common expression in the Lotus kingdom, given by parents to their children as they learn table manners, refers to the way Shark Guards attack their enemies in the most uncivilized of manners. Not only are the wounds inflicted difficult to staunch, but also they often cripple their targets, reducing their capacity to move.
Ferocious Wound slows down the movement of stacks the Shark Guards attack by 3. It also causes them to take 10% of the Shark Guards' damage per round for 2 turns.
The Shark Guards are the Sanctuary's stock melee troops. They're a bit like a watered down versions of the Maulers though, having a large damage range, and lower defenses and health. Low initiative and movement means the Shark Guards aren't really good at front-end damage dealing, so Kappa are better off suited for that till Shark Guards can get in range. However, Shark Guards' ability to slow troops down greatly, preventing them from getting to the real threat (your Priestesses).
But really, they're sharkmen. So they win for cool points.
The overall Sanctuary core, while not as cohesive as the Haven, is fairly well-balanced. The Priestesses are your star creature, having good damage and slowing initiative, while Kappa tie up ranged troops. Shark Guards are meet any melee stacks that get past your Kappa halfway, slowing them down further.
We can then head south through the previously unpassable body of water to a subterrainean entrance. There are plenty of flotsam in the sea, but we don't need resources right now and we can send a secondary hero to pick them up later.
There's a Naga hero right at the entrance, too.
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Our Elite unit!

Biography posted:
These honourable and powerful warriors, part of the Deep Nagas (the largest of the three Naga species), are distinguished by their dark scales and faces that are more reptilian than human. They reside in underwater cities at the bottom of the Jade Ocean.
Kenshi Damage: 17-21 (Might) Defense: 15 (29%) Magic Defense: 15 (29%) Health: 80 Initiative: 45 Movement: 5 (Walking) Range: None Destiny: 8 Morale: 10 Cost: 490 Growth: 3/week Abilities: Large Creature, Challenge, Battle Ready, Living, Amphibian, Vulnerability to Air, Resistance to Water
Challenge posted:
It was as if time stood still... and there was only him and me in a cloud of slashing steel and a mist of invigorating blood. This entry in the diary of the pirate queen Tawni Solace tells of a fierce battle with Nagas at sea. She is the first to speak of the challenge of the Kenshis. Once one of these valiant warriors crosses swords with a chosen enemy, it is difficult to attack anyone else but him.
When a Kenshi attacks a stack, he Challenges them. A Challenged stack will deal 45% less damage to any stack that isn't the Kenshi that Challenged them. The Kenshi can only Challenge one stack at a time, and can't Challenge a new one till the first one dies.
Battle Ready posted:
As the ripples subside, the water returns. Fighting a Naga Kenshi is like throwing a stone into a lake. Their martial art is inspired by the movement and flow of water, that will always return to the place it has been pushed away from. It is thus impossible to attack a Kenshi without receiving a blow in return.
Battle Ready gives the Kenshi Unlimited Retaliation. Always useful.
On the other hand, Kenshi are fantastic creatures. They boast the highest damage of any unupgraded Elite unit, have great defenses, good Morale, and decent initiative. They are the no. 1 target of the enemy AI though, so keep them well protected. Challenge makes them harder to resist, and Unlimited Retaliation is just the icing on top of the cake that makes their magnet for attacks bite back. Throw on a Regeneration, Waves of Renewal, maybe a Stone Skin, and you're good to go.
It's recommended you pick up Reinforcements II now, if you haven't already, so you can Reinforce your Kenshi.
The subterranean tunnels are pretty simple. They're filled with Earth, Fire and Darkness Elementals, none of which are too tough. You can handle most of them with just your Kenshi and Priestesses. Some highlights of the tunnels include a Scroll of Chain Lightning, a set item of the Trickster set (which improves your Destiny), and an Arcane Library (we go for the Blood option, getting 2 Magic Power.)
The only problem is really the sheer length of the tunnel, and that your movement rate is slowed down in the rough terrain. Plus there are many treasure and side paths to go down. You'll be spending a while in there.

By the time we make it out, it's been a full month, and the grass has never been prettier. Let's go and meet with Hiroshi already.
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