Part 29: Haven Campaign, Map Two, Part Two

Where were we? About to go talk with an old friend.
Click here to listen to the conversation!

Valeska leaves. This is also why we were forced to exile Valeska in the Tutorial Campaign - she had to show up here, after all.
Back to business. The Alliance of Temperance controls four Haven towns, not including the one we just captured - one each in the southwest and northwest, and two in the northeast, as well as several scattered Forts. The three barons we need to defeat are in the southwestern and northeastern ones. There's actually not much to this part of the map than to just riding to each castle and defeating the Hero inside it, staving off an invasion if they come. We're starting off with the closer of the northeastern one.

The Barons aren't usually too tough - they all boast solid armies and you'll usually get a few losses, but not to the point where you'll be severely hampered for the next fight. Also shown here is me using the Marksmen's Piercing Shot despite the enemy's Praetorians in the way. The other note is that if our Marksmen get a Morale bonus, they can't use Piercing Shot in their Morale turn.

After we defeat each Baron, we have the opportunity to get a lot of Tears/Blood points here by choosing to pardon or execute them. We can also choose to say, execute two and spare one. Either way, it's very easy to get Anton to whichever path we so choose, if we want to. We're Bloodying our Duchy, so execution it is.

And we've got enough for Anton's promotion, thanks to that bloody head.

Vindicator posted:
The Emperor is just, and the Vindicator his axe!
The zealous fervour and spectacular accomplishments of a few select Knights is so tremendous that Emperors and Grand Inquisitors have taken notice, bestowing them with greater responsibilities. The Vindicator has sworn allegiance to the doctrine and laws of the Holy Empire and has been given the combined battlefield functions of both judge and executioner.
Cooldown of 3 turns
Causes all enemy creatures to suffer from Anathema for 4 turns, reducing Damage and Might/Magic Defense by 8/10% and Morale and Destiny by 5/6. Cannot be dispelled.
We've seen Anathema before, under the control of Gerhart. The effect isn't very potent at first glance, but it stacks quite well with other spells and effects, and its inability to be dispelled is also helpful. The duration is longer than the cooldown, so it's possible to keep up the effect indefinitely.

Next town. The northeastern one is too strong for us at the moment, so moving on to the southwestern one. The Baron guarding this is also a Vindicator, so expect an Anathema to be thrown our way.

Oddly, the Blood option here is to free Yvana rather than to execute her. Maybe because she's Blood?

Whatever you say, Anton.

The Light of Elrath bathed our wounds as skies and oceans boiled.
From ramparts songs of victory, a tribute loudly voiced,
and both the living and the dead, with pounding heart rejoiced.

Geez, Anton, even your travelling companion is kinda dull.
The last baron is holed up to the northeast, past another Fort (one good thing is that we don't even have to convert any towns, and the towns we conquer all come with several buildings already built). The enemies start getting larger in size, and I actually end up skipping several stacks due to the losses I would have recieved.

There are some really nice things available in the Advanced Market, one of them being a gauntlet that gives us a free casting of Chain Lightning every battle. Chain Lightning normally costs 45 Mana, and Anton can't even learn it, being a Might Hero.

715 Harpies. Enemy stacks are definitely getting larger. On the upside, we're getting lots of experience.

The last Baron, Igor, has a pretty large army, such that I actually wait another week to take him on. Also, I don't even take on the stack of Glories guarding the Magic stat boost in this shot - I'd have to face 260 (!) Glories, which would be too many losses for me to stomach.

You'd think one or two of these Barons would be protesting at their imminent execution, but they're all oddly silent.
With that, all 3 Barons are done. We still have a Hidden House to find.

We aren't given any clues on where to search, but we still haven't explored the Northwestern area. The last of the Alliance is holed up there anyway, so we might as well put an end to them.

We don't actually have to talk to Ishtvan to progress the plot... but why not?
Click here to listen to the conversation!

Don't mind if we do. Next time, we mop up the rest of the Alliance, exorcise a ghost, and finally end this map.
Bonus Content - Blood and Tears
Optional choice, number one.

Shed some Tears.

Take two.

Alternative choice, tres.