Part 30: Haven Campaign, Map Two, Part Three
Patch 1.8 is here! The changes aren't as extensive as the past couple of patches, the most significant one being the reduced cost of many creature dwellings. There are some changes to creatures, mostly stat changes; I'll slowly be going back to previous updates to tweak them. The Glories got a few changes, which I'll detail in this update.
Back to Anton's aimless wandering, we're off to crush the Alliance of Temperance's last castle, which is just past this bridge.

Oh hey, Voices are back. Hooray.

The final castle is actually pretty unremarkable. No cutscenes or tough battles or anything, just steamrolling the rest of the army. Once that's done, you're almost free of invasions. This is also the only castle on this map where we can upgrade our Glories.

Biography posted:
The Blazing Glory is a Radiant Glory that has been elevated by Elrath to a higher status. Directly exposed to the immaculate aura of the Dragon-God of Light, they are considered to be the manifestation of righteousness. They are greatly feared in battle, for in order to defeat one of them, one must find a good moral reason, or be cursed with guilt for eternity.
Radiant Glory Damage: 15-18 (Magical, Light) Defense: 12 (25%) Magic Defense: 14 (28%) Health: 75 Initiative: 50 Movement: 8 (Teleporting) Range: None Destiny: 8 Morale: 7 Cost: 525 Growth: 5/week Abilities: Speed of Light, Cleansing Light, Searing Light, Living, Spirit Form, Vulnerable to Shadow Magic
Searing Light posted:
A Blazing Glory is said to be a mirror of pure truth that can reveal your soul. Its gaze blinds those who are unwilling to repent from their faults. In the heat of a battle, the Blazing Glory will often force an enemy to look into its purity, causing both pain and blindness. Those who survive the searing light are never quite the same.
Deals normal damage to a stack of choice and Blinds them for about 2 turns, rendering them unable to act. Being attacked does not dispell the Blind effect. Searing Light consumes a portion of the Searing Glories' health, which cannot be recovered by any means. Cooldown of 3 turns.
Stat boosts are fairly minor, with the most significant one being the additional 5 Initiative and 2 Movement - now Glories can strike and return from even further away, even reaching all the way to the opposing army on the first turn with Advanced Tactics. Searing Light is potentially a very powerful tool, especially for a Might Hero like Anton, since he won't normally get access to spells such as Blind, but the losses are permanent, though you don't really lose that many Glories to use it in the first place. They're still just as useful as ever, really, even if the increased cost hurts a bit.

Anton also hits level 15, which opens up the third tier Might skills. There are some very nice options out there, such as Cleave, which gives one stack a free turn and boosts to Morale and Destiny the first time you kill an opposing stack. The Hidden House is in pretty much the only place we haven't explored yet; a small passageway through the mountains to the northwest.

Aside from the Spirit Form change, Glories also got two changes; the first being the ability to finally attack without returning. This also applies to Harpies. The second is that they no longer automatically dispell upon teleporting; now it's an activated ability that doesn't use up their current turn, and is usable every 3 turns. An understandable if unfortunate change, since before their dispell was incredibly powerful.

Enemy stacks are steadily growing stronger as we head into the tunnels.
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Cate shares her voice actress with Sveltana.

Way to answer none of our questions.

We now have a new task - beat all the Elemental stacks in our way, because uh... I guess Anton's mum told him to.

The first fight is against 100 each of Fire and Water Elementals. A very annoying fight given the movement-stopping effects of Water Elementals and the Fire Elementals punishing melee attackers heavily.

The second one is against 100 Earth and Air Elementals. Probably the easiest of the three fights, since your Glories can block the Air Elementals in the first turn.

Cate has been quoting big fancy books in an effort to sound smart for about a week now. Poor Anton. The guy's just in way over his head. I guess his upbringing wasn't exactly normal. At least Anastasya and Kiril had tutors (albeit angelic tutors).
The third fight is against 120 Light and Darkness Elementals. The biggest pain of the lot, thanks to their teleporting and damage-returning abilties. The Darkness Elementals also deal extra damage to our Glories, too.
Well, let's see who our next opponent is...

Oh geez, we're really doing this?

Kiril actually doesn't have many tricks up his sleeves, only having a standard physical attack. He has a large Inferno army, but with the Inferno's weakness to Light and your own regenerative abilities, you should be able to walk away without too many losses.

Once we defeat Kiril, he disappears and the gate guarding Djordje opens... for whatever reason. I guess that wasn't a real Kiril, just some odd apparition used for Dragon Knight training. Doesn't quite explain why defeating it allows us to track down and defeat ghosts.

We can go teleport back to the Necropolis fort we captured way back to quickly access Djordje's castle.
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Urgh, but that... doesn't help at all. Let's just go kill a ghost and be done with it.

Djordje's castle is just past the now open gate. You might run into a Necropolis Hero or two, but they shouldn't give you any trouble. My Anton's hit the level cap for this map (17), so there was no point in fighting any more neutral stacks.

Djordje has a large Necropolis army, and being in a fully fortified castle doesn't help. The arrow towers will take out one to two creatures every round until your Catapult brings them down. Djordje has fairly large numbers of every creature, but his army isn't as large as say, Hiroshi's from Irina's map.

Frustratingly, Djordje will hide either his Skeletons or Archliches in the central tower, giving them full range and an immunity to most attacks till the tower falls. Your Marksmen are the only creatures that can hit them reliably (use Piercing Shot to ignore the siege penalty), so focus your Marksmen on the stack in the tower and let the rest of your troops take care of the rest. Expect losing a lot of Imperial Griffins.

Djordje has several tricks up his sleeves, the nastiest of which is Mass Drain Life, but there's nothing that's too hard to handle, given his army isn't really that big to be unsurmountable.

In the end, it's just like most battles in the game - attrition. Djordje tends to use Necromancy I only, so he can't recover troops faster than you can damage them, and he doesn't really make efficient use of Drain Life since his troops like staying behind walls.
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If I haven't said it before, this whole family's crazy.
Click here to listen to the conversation!

This whole map makes little sense.

Bonus Content - Blood and Tears
We've seen Blood Might, so let's check our Tears Might.

Paladin posted:
A Paladin dreams alone, and fights for all!
Champions of the impossible quest with faith as their guiding star, Paladins have answered the calling of Elrath, the Dragon God of Light. They have sworn a solemn oath to uphold the principles of their god, and to defend the realm from all enemies. Their vow is magically binding and blesses them with tremendous powers. For this reason, Paladins become a guiding purpose, honoured by the people, respected by their allies and feared by their enemies.
At the start of each turn, the most damaged friendly stack benefits from +24.9/28.6% Might Defence and Health for 1 turn.
A powerful passive, if unreliable.
Then to Magic, starting with their Neutral class.

Cleric posted:
Ive faith in Elrath, but I trust his Clerics even more!
Clerics have sworn their servitude to Elrath, the Dragon God of Light, and are powerful emissaries on the battlefield. Blessed for their fervour, they can bestow Elraths favour on the troops under their command. The Holy Falcon Empire has known many wars in its five centuries of dominance, and the Clerics have been the deciding factor in many of them.
All friendly stacks benefit from increased Magic Damage and Magic Defense.
Then to Blood...

Inquisitor posted:
Judgement is passed by Elrath, the Inquisitor is His wrath!
Inquisitors are Clerics who have vowed their servitude to Elrath and the advancement of the Holy Falcon Empire and its Church. The Emperor trusts no one more than an Inquisitor to shine the blazing lights of truth and justice throughout his realm. The Dragon has bestowed upon them powers that even the most battle hardened angels humbly respect.
Holy Blades
All friendly creatures deal an additional 4/5% of their damage as Light damage.
Basically the Inferno's Hellfire Aura that happens every time. Not a bad passive, but kind of lacking compared to other Heroes.
And finally, the Confessor.

Confessor posted:
When Elrath needs you, even death stands aside.
Confessors are Clerics that have become so attuned to the Dragon of Light that they can channel Elraths will to protect Ashas creation. The most powerful healers of the Holy Falcon Empire are awarded the title of Confessor and are considered by most Angels as their equals in magic under the wings of their Dragon God.
55 Mana
Usable once per battle
Resurrects chosen completely dead allied stack with 1104/1270 health. Resurrected stack cannot attack and be attacked for 1 turn.
Resurrection is costly, but the results speak for themselves. A potential tide-turner if used at the right moment, and one of only two ways to bring back dead stacks.