Part 87: Appendix: Skills (Tactics, War Cries)
Appendix C - Might and Magic (Tactics and War Cries)Tactics
Tactics is a small category, but it contains some very useful abilities. Reinforcements and Tactics are near must-haves for any Hero, and the other passives are also useful.

Reinforcements I
Active Combat
Usable once per battle
No requirements
Reinforces target Core stack by 3.5/4/4.6%* of total Army power, adding more creatures to the current stack. Reinforcements do not remain after battle. If a stack has incurred losses before Reinforcements, those units are considered lost and cannot be resurrected unless all the Reinforced units are dead.

Reinforcements II
Passive Combat
Requires Hero level 5, Reinforcements I
Reinforcements can now be cast on Elite creatures.

Reinforcements III
Passive Combat
Requires Might Hero level 15, Reinforcements II
Reinforcements can now be cast on Champion creatures.

Duck and Cover
Passive Combat
No requirements
Friendly creatures use obstacles and walls to deflect ranged attacks more effectively, by 20/35/50%.

Battle March
Passive Combat
No requirements
Friendly creatures get +2 Movement in siege battles.

Passive Combat
No requirements
Friendly creatures have +5 Initiative for the first 3 rounds of combat. Summoned creatures or creatures that change form also get this bonus for the first 3 rounds they are on the battlefield.

Tactics I
Passive Combat
No requirements
Hero is able to rearrange his/her army formations before combat begins, using the first two rows from his/her end.

Tactics II
Passive Combat
Requires Hero level 5, Tactics I
Hero is able to rearrange his/her army an additional row, up to three rows.

Siege Master I
Passive Combat
No requirements
The Hero's catapult deals an additional 1/2/3 structural damage.

Siege Master II
Passive Combat
Requires Hero level 5, Siege Master I
Poisons the supplies of defending armies as the attacker during siege combat. Enemy units take 90/120/140* Earth damage at the start of each turn when behind walls.

Siege Master III
Passive Combat
Requires Might Hero level 15, Siege Master II
Catapult shots now also deal 373/433/498* damage to all creatures directly adjaecent to the struck wall.
War Cries
War Cries are all active abilities. They are useful for giving the Hero something to do other than doing standard attacks, and become more effective with larger armies. Their lack of a mana cost is also nice.

Stand Your Ground
Active Combat, 3 turn cooldown
No requirements
Target friendly stack gains +7/9/12* Might Defense and one additional Retaliation for 3 turns.

Stand Your Ground, Mass
Active Combat, 3 turn cooldown
Requires Hero level 5, Stand Your Ground
All friendly stacks gain +6/8/10* Might Defense and one additional Retaliation for 3 turns.

Active Combat, 3 turn cooldown
No requirements
Target friendly stack gains +15 Initiative and +50% to Movement for 1 turn.

Warlord's Command
Active Combat, 4 turn cooldown
Requires Hero level 5, Rush!
Target friendly stack that has not yet acted this round can act immediately.

Active Combat, 3 turn cooldown
No requirements
Target friendly stack gains +14/18/22* Morale and Luck and +17% Might damage for 3 turns.

Heroism, Mass
Active Combat, 3 turn cooldown
Requires Hero level 5, Heroism
All friendly stacks gain +5/6/8* Morale and Luck and +12% Might damage for 3 turns.

Flawless Assault
Active Combat, 3 turn cooldown
No requirements
Target friendly stack inflicts maximum damage for 2/3/4* turns.

Evasive Maneuvers
Active Combat, 3 turn cooldown
Requires Hero level 5
All friendly stacks take 10/12/14%* less damage from all attacks for 2 turns.

Pressed Attack
Active Combat, 3 turn cooldown
Requires Hero level 5
Before target friendly stack attacks a target, the Hero will attack it first using its Hero attack with 30/40/50%* increased damage. Lasts 2 turns.

Active Combat, usable once per battle
Requires Might Hero level 15
All enemy creatures are Intimidated for 2/3/4* turns. Core creatures may only attack Core creatures, and Elite creatures may only attack Core and Elite creatures. This also applies to Retaliations.

Active Combat, 3 turn cooldown
Requires Might Hero level 15
All enemy creatures surrounding target friendly stack are forced to attack it for 50/57/66%* reduced damage on their turn. Lasts 1 turn.

Heroic Charge
Active Combat, 3 turn cooldown
Requires Might Hero level 15
Target friendly stack gains +2 Movement and +9/10/12%* increased damage for each tile moved before attacking for 1 turn.