Part 7: Episode 7: Phallic Birthday Cakes

Oh boy. More visitors.

Instead of a tie, he has a white stripe from his collar.

Are we done with the new wacky character yet?

I haven't shot myself over a bad game yet, but this is starting to tempt me.
Moving on to actual gameplay, I pumped up Diabetes' power. In between small successes, we had lots of this:

Which means lots of panda beatings.

Don't remind me... This sounds very familiar.


No you didn't! Not only is that not original, it's copyright! I'm going to owe money because of you!

I woke up one morning, and found this attached to a rock on my chest signed Squidtamer DA
Yeah, he looks ecstatic.

Whatever. Fine. Let's move on. Here's Diabetes' stats. Should we continue with power or move on to a different plan?