Part 13: Episode 13: The Earth-Shattering Kaboom

This time we're going with Vault Boy. That was harder to draw with this game than I anticipated.

And our reward for using that perk is a critter with the least imaginative name I've ever seen. Next breed I get will probably be called "Monster".

Why does she seem so concerned when saying that?
I decided to name our, uh, Flower, something suitable considering his looks.

Isn't that delightful?

Monster Rancher Wiki posted:

Oh look, it's our latest stranger who we will end up fighting in the next rank.

Oh Hootie, I thought you were better than this.

Hahaha, how cute. She thinks she's going to grow up. Sorry Cleo, you're going to be that age for at least another thousand years.

There's nothing I can add to that. We'll deal with Gothy McGPS later. For now, we should decide what to do with Marvin.