Part 9: Ep. 6: At Last, A Case That Doesn't Have Anything To Do With Morcubus

... BUNNA! Dunna bunna bunna bunna MySims Agents
BUN BUN bunnaaaa!
We leave Gino's and head east, stopping on the way to talk to Rhonda.

: Hello, Rhonda.
She doesn't seem to have a case for us. On the other side of the plaza is Shirley's hair salon--
--oh, hey, look at that.

: What's wrong, Shirley?

: Yes, I'm on the case!

: Wonderful hon, I have something I want to show you...
Shirley drags us over to the door of her shop.

: Here's what I wanted to show you.

: Looks like you have a secret admirer, Shirley!

: We gotta find out who it is, hon!

: Alright, I'll see what I can find out.
Sam turns around and calls to Poppy, who's checking out the produce at the fruit stand.

: Hey, Poppy!

: Hiya, Sam!

: Do you recognize this bouquet?

: Of course! That's the Number 27--the Secret Love Bouquet!

: Well, who did you sell it to, hon?

: They
all bought the Secret Love Bouquet?

: It's a popular bouquet.
Poppy takes her leave. Sam turns back to Shirley.

: Alright. Looks like I need to investigate Gino, Patrick, and Skip.
Shirley goes back into her shop and Sam busts out his notebook.

Did the admirer leave any evidence around Shirley's storefront?

I should question the suspects about the flowers they bought.
Sam picks up the flowers.

: These are the flowers left for Shirley... very pretty!
Let's ask around first. Rhonda is passing by, so we flag her down.

: Rhonda, do you know who Shirley's secret admirer is?
Good motto. Maybe Luis knows.

: Luis, do you know who Shirley's secret admirer is?
Having exhausted the options in the plaza, we head to Skip's office, catching up to Buddy on the way.

: Who do you think Shirley's secret admirer is, Buddy?

: Hard to say, pal! With awesome hair like that, it could be anyone! Even me!

: ...

: It wasn't me, pal! I've been with you the whole time! I'm just sayin'!
Anyway! The mayor's office is in the pink brick building on the far side of the park, and apparently we can just walk right in.
Your tax simoleons at work! We wait until Skip wakes up and then go talk to him.

: Did you buy any flowers from Poppy, Mr. Mayor?
Wow, now that's a face you can trust. Obviously we don't need to follow up on his story--

Are the flowers really in Skip's office?
--or maybe we do. We go over to the sideboard. There's a vase. With flowers in it.
Well, I guess we can scratch Skip off our list of suspects. I mean, secret admirers. Heading out, we stop by the park to check in with Poppy.

: Hi, Poppy. Do you remember anything else about the flowers you sold yesterday?

: Sorry, no, Sam.

: Did anyone say anything about Shirley?

: I think Patrick mentioned he was doing some work for her. That's all I remember though, Sam.
Travis enters the park as we're leaving.

: Hi, Travis. Any idea who Shirley's secret admirer is?

: Dude, no clue! I'll make a few calls on my new phone and ask around! I love this phone!
Gino's pizzeria is right next door, so let's stop there next.

: Gino, did you buy any flowers from Poppy?

: Yes I did! Roses!

: Oh really? Why did you buy them? Some... romantic interest, perhaps?

: Yes, it was very romantic...

: Oh... OK... nevermind.
Gino goes back to slaving away over a hot stove and Sam pulls out his notebook.

I should find this Paris pizza of Gino's, just to be sure.

Gino didn't leave his flowers on Shirley's doorstep.
So... we can rule out Gino and Skip. I guess Patrick's our man! That was easy. Let's go talk to him about it.
We walk past this lovely stretch of townhomes--
--to Patrick's current construction site.

: Did you buy flowers?

: Sure did! I ordered them yesterday.

: Ordered them? For delivery?

: What? A flower requisition form?! Can I see it?

: Sure, if you can find it. I didn't open it. Just tossed it somewhere in my trailer.
The plot sickens! Patrick goes back to work.

Maybe this "City Board Of Flower Requisition" is connected. That form needs to be in the trailer somewhere!
We enter the cluttered trailer. We poke around...
We drink some water...
We check out the safe...
And finally think to look in the wastebasket.

: It's the letter! "Dear Mr. Rhino. We are writing to inform you that the City Board Of Flower Requisitions has confiscated your order of flowers due to hard times. Thank you for your understanding."

I need to talk to Mayor Skip about these flower confiscations.
Shirley's salon is between the construction site and the mayor's office, though, so let's stop in and see if we can't find some physical evidence to go along with our testimony.
We tool around inside, but don't find any clues.
Outside, though, we find a trail of footprints! They start at... the flowerbed in front of Shirley's salon? Following them away from there is a trick, though...
We actually lose the trail several times.
We always manage to pick it back up again whenever the mysterious foot-haver crosses a grassy area, though. And the footprints lead towards the construction site...
... and to Patrick's trailer.

The prints lead to Patrick's trailer... why would he have been in Shirley's flowerbed?
Let's go ask!

: Were you hiding in the salon's bushes?

: I wasn't hiding. I fell off the roof into those bushes.

: Why were you on the salon's roof?

Can I find any evidence to support Patrick's story on the salon roof?

Find out next time, on... MySims Agents

That was nice and lucid. Thank you.

... dunna dunna bun bun DUNNA!
Concept Art: Mayor Skip
- by
Genevieve Tsai