Part 103: Interlude: Beach Blanket Bingo
The boardwalk area marks a bit of a change for the game. While there are still things to look at, there aren't as many of them, and only a few have funny descriptions. Also, there's less non-essential conversation to be had. There are still a fair number of cute animations, but those are generally recycled from earlier games; in short, we have probably found ourselves some cut corners. Oh, well. Let's see what we can see.

We can also try the electronade!

Sam slugs it back, jerks and twitches for a while, then beams approvingly at his empty cup.

We can also go fishing off the pier! Sam's never caught anything, though. Maybe he just needs to keep trying.

There's a chest back here! It contains a punching bag, some kind of wall sculpture made from sports balls, and some boxing gloves, which, sadly, we cannot actually wear. It's been a while since we found any new +Sports furniture, so this is nice.

These little crates contain nothing except the game's self-awareness.

Sam's behind the tattoo parlor in this shot. Damn camera.

We can also do so much with sandcastles.

We can build 'em!

We can knock 'em down!

We can obliterate any trace of 'em! And then start over in the cycle, if we want. Other MySims will also build sandcastles in these spots, which we can then destroy with the F-Space Manipulator like the bullying jerk that we are.

Back in the secret sub dock, we've actually seen almost everything. These lockers are the only thing that didn't make it into the update.

Sam's gonna catch some rays. Later, gators!