Part 104: Ep. 72: Chaz McFreely: EXTREME-ly Jealous?

Luke goes back into the surf shop and Sam pulls out his notebook.

Sam thinks for a moment, then adds:

But first: Wolfah responds to Sam's encouragement! I guess we... inspired him? Made him happy? ... made him angry?

Sam puts his phone away and heads down to the beach to more closely investigate the pile of busted-up surfboards. Hm!

He adds:

The lifeguard is right here, though, so first let's ask if she saw anything.

Summer sighs, her shoulders slumping.

Aww. Taylor is playing in the ocean nearby. Maybe she knows?

oh, you totally do

Sam has blown her tiny mind.

Having apparently delivered the last word on the subject, Taylor starts to wander off. Sam catches up to her in the shallows.

Taylor splashes off and Sam updates his notes.

Who is this Chaz McFreely person? Funny you should ask.

Sam heads back to the parking lot behind the boardwalk, where some kind of EXTREME stunt is being set up. Remember the brief fad for labeling everything as EXTREME? The MySims series sure does.

oh man can we can we
Meanwhile, Sam tries to figure out what's going on here. Let's talk to the excitable kid in the dog mask.

Thanks, Tim. Let's go talk to The Man Himself, Chaz McFreely, Extreme Stunt Guy.

This angers the Chaz.

Having laid down this extremely sick burn, Chaz goes for the self-congratulatory high-five.

Sam does not move to complete the five, either up high or down low. Chaz is shocked.

"Aw, man."

Having been totally five-blocked, Chaz dismisses Sam in favor of doing some pre-stunt warmup stretching. Chaz may be a jerk, but it sounds like he's planning to defeat Luke through the power of EXTREME motorcycle stunts, rather than through more underhanded methods. Maybe he didn't break the surfboards after all? Sam wanders back down to the beach, thoughtful, and runs into Clara. Might as well ask if she saw anything.


Clara sighs sadly.

Inspiration strikes. Clara perks up.



Concept Art: Chaz McFreely and Tim
- by Genevieve Tsai
Fun fact: Tim is Rosalyn's nephew!
Another fun fact: Chaz is a huge jerkwad!