Part 107: Ep. 75: I Mean It This Time


Well, what are we waiting for? Actually, let's make sure we're waiting for something.

Well, at least this isn't some kind of elaborate practical joke. Probably. Thanks, Dr. F!

The ledge that leads to the tide pools is at the extreme west/left end of the beach. This part is simple.

Move the rock down to make a platform for jumping up...

... jump up, then move the rock back to its original position to get over the second ledge.

Which brings us here.

Here's our next puzzle: getting past the strange half-lighthouse half-wall thing.

The rock actually goes down below, in the hole. To get over the wall, we grab the discolored Tetris pieces off the top and slot them into the holes below.

The second one has to be turned to fit.

And then Sam can jump to the top of the wall and over!

Now, technically, if we want to leave, we can just walk down here, and... oh, hey, a hidden chest.

Woo hoo! We get a suit and hairdo, and... another suit and hairdo! We'll check those out later.

Sam returns to the lighthouse. There's a fenced-off area just beyond it.

Well, okay, let's head on in--

Let's do this.

Wimpy-ass lock. The lock on Luke's display case was tougher.

There we go.

Well, that looks platformy--hey, a chest!

It contains a little aquarium and a big aquarium!

Anyway, we return to the beginning and jump along these jutting rocks to continue. Pretty simple. Sam only falls off two or three times.

Once we're safely up on this ledge, we can move that rock down, creating a handy shortcut in case we ever want to come up here again for some reason.

But that's not why we're here. Clara is here, waiting for us. Somehow. Alone.

Sam sees no Mr. Suckers.

But we have one more question first!

A likely story.

Sam and Clara head to the water's edge, and a still-dubious Sam looks on as Clara sets things up.

Never going to hear the end of this.

"Press A to tea party!"
Sam kneels down, and...

... AAAAAAA Sam leaps to his feet AAAAAAA Mr. Suckers is pouring us all tea AAAAAA Sam yelps and flails AAAAAAA Mr. Suckers has a cute purple ribbon tied in a bow about one giant tentacle AAAAAAAA

AAAAAAAActually he's pretty cute.



Video: The Broaching Of Mr. Suckers
Mr. Suckers actually does pour tea for everyone before settling in with his cup. He's the mannerly sort.