Part 108: Ep. 76: Gotta Believe


Steaming teacup in tentacle, Mr. Suckers waits patiently for Sam to speak. This is all we see of him, usually; when he's not waving to Clara he stays submerged in the ocean, where he can, I don't know, breathe.

... oh dear.

Purple bow! I mean, let's go talk to Clara.



Having cleared this matter up, Sam updates his notes.

Let's be polite and say goodbye to the horrifying tentacle kraken first.

Same to you, pal!

Sam heads out, leaving via this handy shortcut which he built earlier. To the surf shop!

Long pause.

Well. It does sound kind of--


We fade back in to Luke laughing like a dope and living out his daydream.

Luke wanders off, apparently completely satisfied. Hands on hips, Sam watches him go.

After a long moment, Sam nods to himself and mentally marks this case closed.
That's another success! As a reward, we get more dispatch missions, some matched his-and-hers surfboards, and also a surfboard which apparently had a run-in with a shark!


Video: I Have To Believe
As you can probably tell by the ridiculous number of screenshots I used to convey this part, it's something that works best when seen. So I made a video!