Part 108: Ep. 76: Gotta Believe
: Last time on MySims Agents: Omigosh pal giant squid tea party omigosh omigosh!
Steaming teacup in tentacle, Mr. Suckers waits patiently for Sam to speak. This is all we see of him, usually; when he's not waving to Clara he stays submerged in the ocean, where he can, I don't know, breathe.
: Uh, Mr. Suckers, what happened to those surfboards on the beach?
... oh dear.
: ... uh, yeah... what you said...
Purple bow! I mean, let's go talk to Clara.
: So... can you understand that kraken?
: Who, Mr. Suckers? Sure. He said thanks for the tea party!
: Can you ask him about the broken surfboards?
Having cleared this matter up, Sam updates his notes.
: Mr. Suckers claims he destroyed some things, but was only acting out because his home has been disturbed.
: Looks like it was Mr. Suckers. I should report my findings to Luke.
Let's be polite and say goodbye to the horrifying tentacle kraken first.
: Ahoy, Mr. Suckers!
Same to you, pal!
Sam heads out, leaving via this handy shortcut which he built earlier. To the surf shop!
: Hey, Luke, I think I know what happened to your boards.
: Yeah? That's wicked news. Give me the lowdown.
Long pause.
Well. It does sound kind of--
We fade back in to Luke laughing like a dope and living out his daydream.
Luke wanders off, apparently completely satisfied. Hands on hips, Sam watches him go.
After a long moment, Sam nods to himself and mentally marks this case closed.
That's another success! As a reward, we get more dispatch missions, some matched his-and-hers surfboards, and also a surfboard which apparently had a run-in with a shark!
: Next time on MySims Agents: Whew! I think I've had a little too much sun for one day, pal!
Video: I Have To Believe
As you can probably tell by the ridiculous number of screenshots I used to convey this part, it's something that works best when seen. So I made a video!