Part 109: Dispatch Mission: H4XXOR3D!

It's been a long day. Let's head back to HQ and make sure we're still on top of things. Sam got a decent tan started, but Buddy will probably be bright pink tomorrow.
First up, let's check on Gonk's dispatch mission.

As our reward, Gonk joins our team and brings us... a treadmill? ... okay!
We'll check him out in a minute. First, though, remember this loser?

Remember how we were going to help him call customer service and whine?

Let's do that now!

Having dispatched our handpicked team, Sam goes to check out our new caveman dude. Stat-wise, Gonk is basically reversi-Wolfah. We can handle that.

Gonk responds by pulling out his club--which looks suspiciously like a baseball bat--and beating the ever-living shit out of the lobby carpet. Sam dutifully applauds.

Because if Sam did not applaud, I'm pretty sure he would be a stain on said carpet by now.

Having installed Gonk in the high-tech corporate gym--because that's appropriate--Sam next decides to check out those outfits we found--


Awwwww yeah, Sam's going aaaaaall the way to Miami. Or at least to the third floor.

I see Gonk's settling in nicely.

Sam has rolled up Don Johnson's sleeves and settled in to some serious interior decoration when Spencer texts him to let him know that our team has arrived. You know all those jokes people make about the prototypical goon?

There. Treadmill, surfboards, boxing gloves and ball sculpture, and a training dummy which a surprisingly badass Preston is currently kicking in the head. The training dummy has loads of animation associated with it--there are three or four different 'attack!' animations.

We also found loads of new paints!


Yes, definitely, always, Travis.

Let us flee the vale of purple. Look, it's our Morcubus trophy! We haven't seen that dude in ages!

Cherry blossoms and candy!

Let's see, we found some aquariums at the tide pools: a small one and a HOLY CRAP

This is going to take some serious rearranging--


There we go. The ant farm appears to have merged with the cookie jar. I cannot explain it.

Let's goth up the basement. The wallpaper is called 'Goth Boy's Bedroom'.

But we have all these paints FOR SCIENCE!! and that naturally takes precedence.

Man, remember 1337speak? So does the MySims series!

Having painted himself into a corner, so to speak, Sam returns to the lobby to await results. That... is a result.

Boring! Let's go repaint the roof with bricks and tiles and fishscales and stuff.

Spencer, you are the worst. You'd best have brought us some cool stuff.

I don't think anybody could forget Spencer's password, Jenny. Anyway, we can now recruit Spencer, and he comes bearing... a chess knight? Go back to your momma's basement!

Charisma and Sports? I guess he's a LARP nerd.

Yup. LARP nerd. Sam looks so tired.
We've racked up a handful of new dispatch missions, so let's crunch on through a couple! Once again, it's

The boardwalk denizens have issues! I'm sure you noticed. Sam would appreciate it if you would form a team to help Luke... again...

Luke needs Charismatic agents to help him think of fun things to do at a surf shop event, and Sports agents who actually know something about surfing to keep said fun things appropriate!

You can check their stats in the second post in this thread, just underneath the OP.
Meanwhile, Sam will be putting together a team of his own, to help the patriarch of his newfound family, the Watanabe! Suggestions are welcome!

Voting will remain open for about twenty-four hours!