Part 11: Ep. 8: Ha Ha, I Lied

Last time on MySims Agents
: Sam finds himself stonewalled at every turn! Now time is running out--


--and the fate of the world hangs in the balance--

Wow. Of all the cases you could have chosen to use that line on, you chose this

Aw, play along, pal!

Just... save it for later. Okay? Later.
We seem to have run out of options. Every lead has led us to a dead end. Momentarily out of ideas, we head back into town. Maybe we overlooked something at the salon?
Wait, what's that on the bush there?

Shirley's love note was handwritten. If only I had handwriting samples from all the men...
A clue! A clue! Back to the construction site we go.

: Hey Patrick! I found your tools on Shirley's roof.

: Yeah, I have to go back later and finish up, but I got hungry.

: Can I get a sample of your handwriting?

: I have to write all sorts of stuff on my blueprints. You might want to check there.

: Thanks, Patrick.

Sometimes I wonder how a guy as unquestioning and trusting as Patrick manages to stay in business. Then I remember that he's the only construction sim in town.
We go back into the trailer and look at Patrick's blueprints.

Patrick's handwriting doesn't match the love note.
We've pretty much ruled out Gino already, but it's best to be absolutely thorough about these things. Also the pizzeria is on our way.

: Can I get a sample of your handwriting?

: Handwriting? Like my handwritten daily specials list I use to advertise outside my restaurant?

: That would work. I'll go check it out. Thanks Gino!

I guess Gino didn't write the love note.
Back to the mayor's office!

: Can I see some of your handwriting?

I wonder if Skip will give me the combo to the safe...
Seems vanishingly unlikely, but let's ask anyway!

: I'd like the combination to your safe, please.

Certainly not! That combination is a secret! I only open it in private!

Skip won't open the safe while I'm in the office... I should go outside and find a place where I can watch him open it.
Sure! Sounds legit! We go outside.

: I wonder if I could catch the combo if I watched through that window...

I bet I could get a good view of the safe from that window ledge. I need to find a way up there.
We trip-trap down the street to the gas station, where there is a ladder leading up onto a building.
We climb the ladder, walk along a ledge, jump to an awning, jump to a portico, and jump to the balcony with the window in question.
We look through the window just as Skip opens his safe.
He then looks shifty as heck as the bookshelf falls back down over the safe. Too late, guy. We saw everything we needed.

The combination is 12-34-22. I can open the safe now!
We jump off the roof and go back into Skip's office. Skip is mysteriously absent. All the better! We take advantage of his absence and open his safe.

Obviously I didn't
need a warrant, as I was able to solve this case without one.
Sam considers this unwelcome and unsurprising news for a moment.

: Seems like Skip is in Morcubus'
pocket! Not a good place for a mayor to be. But back to the case at hand...

: Skip's handwriting matches the handwriting from the love note!

: I should go inform Shirley that Skip left the flowers!
With our priorities firmly in order, we run straight to the salon.

: Hi Shirley!

: Shirley, I know who your
admirer is!

: So, what's the deal, hon? Who's my loverboy?

: Looks like Mayor Skip is the one who left the flowers!

: But how did you find out it was him?

: Well, he made it tough. Matching his handwriting to a love note was key.

: A love note came, too? Can I see it?!

: Sure. It had blown into the bushes.
Sam hands Shirley the love note.

: He says my eyes are deeper than the moon! I like this guy's

: Well, his style was tough to track down. He certainly didn't want anybody to know it was him.

: He's
shy! Aww, how cute!

: Well, cute's a relative term.
Shirley runs off, leaving Sam staring flabbergasted after her.
Sam sighs and lets it go.

Next time on MySims Agents
: The return of Agent Walker!

... dun dun DUN!
Video: Perfectly Legal Behavior
We leave Skip's office and proceed to run along the rooftops in order to spy on him from an upstairs window. Also, marvel at our inability to jump over a simple metal railing--wait, a treasure chest? Cow paint? What?