Part 116: Ep. 82: Full Fathom Five Thy Fucking Treasure Lies


So... the sunken ship. During this part of the game, we play as TOBOR. Or, rather, we play as Sam controlling TOBOR via remote control. Or, I suppose, you watch me via the internet as I control Sam via wiimote and nunchuck, controlling TOBOR via remote control. It's turtles all the way down over here!

The ship's broken carcass is canted at a drunken angle and punched full of holes, some of which allow access to the sea floor below. The ship is also--


--extremely large and represents a startling jump in complexity over the previous 2D platforming areas; it's far too easy to miss hidden chests or get stuck in an endless backtracking loop or just plain get lost. Fortunately, Sam has loaned TOBOR all his equipment, which, equally fortunately, appears to be waterproof.

TOBOR has been steadily working his way upwards from the beginning of the area. Moving the barrels at the last fenergy vent allowed him to reach this one; he moved that metal grate up enough to allow him to reach the chest above, even though he could technically have just gone around to the other side. TOBOR receives one of Dr. F's hypnodiscs for his trouble.

A little more jumping gets us to this strange wooden box at the top right-hand corner of the area.

... that's never a good sign.

TOBOR moves the metal grating down to get into the next bit of the ship.

From there we can actually leave the broken ship and enter the seafloor proper.

A whole bunch of back-and-forth-and-up later, TOBOR finds another chest, this one containing a cat-shaped sofa, a second cat-shaped sofa, some kind of sci-fi sofa, and a gray bench. He is super not impressed with weird human tastes.

In the opposite top corner, another one of those ominous numbers and the other half of the ship. You may have noticed that TOBOR is not stopping to look at interesting optional things. There are no interesting optional things down here. There is only jumping.

Down and down and down. So much down. TOBOR pauses to shuffle boulders around.

Hooray! Not now.

I am eliding a lot of jumping and walking and rock-shuffling because otherwise this update would contain a million images. This chest is aaaaaaaall the way on the far right side of the bottom level, well out of our way. It contains a white ninja outfit and a pirate-y eyepatch, arrr.

In a lovely 'ha ha' gesture, the sea floor allows us to enter the previously-inaccessible lower levels of the right half of the ship, only to have the way onwards blocked by a movable wall that can only be moved from above, near where we started. TOBOR sighs and backtracks.

Fortunately, once we move the wall out of our way, we can also move the grate to make those two areas connect. The only thing in the area below is... a fenergy vent, which allows us to shift some rocks, which are not currently in our way--

--but, once we retrace our steps, we can now get past said rock pile from the other side and open this chest for a jade dragon statue.

Finally TOBOR makes his way over into the left half of the ship. Down from here is... absolutely nothing, so TOBOR starts working his way up. Jumping in this game has never been a precision mechanic, and many of these jumps are at the outer range of what is possible, even with rocket boots; by this point I'm literally missing two jumps out of three.

... I really should not be able to open this chest through the metal wall. However, as I'd just spent something like three minutes trying to get over there, I sigh and abuse the bug. TOBOR drags a stuffed blue bunny and a stuffed pink bunny through the slab, somehow.

Here's TOBOR standing where that chest was, having found his way there legitimately a little later on. It's almost like I didn't cheat at all! ... also the bug-eyed fish outside the giant porthole are awfully cute and I never noticed them before.

TOBOR then works his way left and down to this crate, which has our final scrap of paper.

On the other side of the wall is a metal hatch with a combination lock on it. Hmmm. TOBOR pulls out Sam's notebook--of course Sam sent that along.

Since we already found all three crates, we are ready to go!

The hatch pops open, allowing us access to the floor below.

Hooray! We're done, right? Time to hop through the opened hatch and find the treasure map?
Ha ha, no. Well, okay, yes, we could do that. However, once TOBOR finds that map, he's leaving, and we won't be able to come back--so we'd best make damn sure we've picked everything up before we go.
Excised from LP: a good fifteen minutes of running around, making sure that TOBOR has grabbed every last grabbable in the ship. Which he had. Bullshit levels are middlingly high!

TOBOR jumps through the open hatch and falls through a hole in the ship's hull, winding up on the sea floor again, where he finds... a second ship? CONSPIRACY!
Or, okay, maybe our ship sank because these two ships collided. I'll buy that.

At the back half of the broken maybe-a-pirate-galleon, there's a suspicious box...

Success! TOBOR tucks the map away (in a watertight compartment, one hopes) and updates Sam's notes.

Hooray, that's over! We never have to do it again! Let's blow this popsicle stand!