Part 118: Dispatch Mission: The Extremest Case
several people posted:
So remember how the Chaz McFreely wanted our help?


Sam dispatches the worst team, probably giggling, and goes upstairs to check out our trophy case. Looking snazzy!

Such an uncertain remote.

Chaz McFreely and a tentacle. Fortunately, the tentacle has no actual action.

Avian Joust Goth Boy.

Also, remember those videogames Sam stole from Yuki's computer? They're lockpicking games!

This one is Pick's Theorem! (The game calls it 'Pick's Theorum'. Kwalitee Kuntroll!)

And this one's Lock 'N' Load.

Sam heads down to the basement for a regular ol' furniture festival. This is the Hypno-disc.

It hypnotizes Sam into strutting and clucking like a chicken.

Hi, Marlon!

Good boy, Wolfah. Good... good boy.

Ooh. Didn't think about that. ... oh, well, do your best!

We've brought home a lot of stolen swag, so Sam's just going to make some tableaux! Here we see our two unnerving cat couches, our jade dragon statue, and one of our fabulous end tables. Also the scoreboard, the stadium lighting, the gray bench, and the bookshelf, which we can peruse.


Our pink and blue bunnies, another fabulous end table--with Spencer's chess knight on it--and the bed that Marlon brought us, which turns out to be a horrifying lab table with a skullcap and tie-downs. Sam is now 38% more frightened of his basement.

Oh, man. They both sound pretty extreme to Sam, but he goes for robotic bear wrestling without a second thought. Come on! Robotic bears! Wrestling!

There, the basement is all spiffed up.

Sam has moved on to fancying up the garden by the time Chaz gets back to him. I guess there won't be any robotic bears. Boooo.

There. A horrible temple full of misshapen cats worshiping their jade dragon lord. Also: another fabulous end table.

oh, you wanted to design an extreme skateboarding stunt, I'm sorry, we employ a different zombie/elf/witch team for those

Check out Spencer's shield.


Sam gives up on the roof--it looks about the same as ever anyway--and heads downstairs.

Let's try this again. The team arrives, and Chaz once again implies that they will not give the necessary 150%. You know what, he's probably right there.

... Beebee officially has the worst taste in men.
Chaz once again asks if Sam has any ideas about a possible stunt. Well, fine, if you can't wrestle a robotic bear for your country, go trampoline skydiving instead.

Chaz McFreely, Future YouTube Superstar.

Get your own. <

Well! That went much better!

He sent us a stunt rider's outfit just like his and a workout bench! Oh boy oh boy!

Sam shuffles the gym around again so that he can bench some weights.
With Chaz pacified and that chore extremely out of the way, once again, it's

TOBOR came to us for help! There's no way we can turn him down. ... right? TOBOR needs Smart agents to help him figure out his deeper purpose in life, and Charismatic agents to cheer TOBOR up once we figure out that his deeper purpose was actually just programmed in by Dr. F.

You can always check their stats in the second post in this thread, just underneath the OP.
Meanwhile, Sam will be putting a team together to help his honorary patriarch Chef Watanabe:

Suggestions are always welcome! You have twenty-four hours or so to vote, as usual!