Part 120: Ep. 84: In The Jungle, The Mighty Jungle


Before Sam takes off, he assembles a super poetry slam and sends it Goth-Boy-ward.


And then, with no further ado, Sam and company repair to the roof and fire up the stupid, useless jet.


We are the least chivalrous.

The scene fades out, and fades back in on the three of us exiting the jet in a jungle-y area. Sam looks things over, then turns to Evelyn.

Sam sighs heavily.

Evelyn turns to Sam.

Sam looks her in the eyes, then nods.

The three of us move to the edge of the cliff...

The camera zooms dramatically in on the temple--

--then swings around and down to show us these four statue things in front.

Sam looks around.

Sure enough, a tanned young lady runs up the bridge to meet us.

Our guide runs over to look at the jungle clearing where we parked the jet.

She runs over to flap both hands in the general direction of the temple.

She is so stoked, you guys.

... good job on the hiring, Jenny.

Lyndsay is completely undaunted.

And she darts away, back down the bridge, calling back over her shoulder:

Sam looks at Buddy and shakes his head ruefully.



Video: Temple Of The Monkey Head
Includes some adorable 'hyuk hyuk' laughter from Lyndsay.
EA Render: Lyndsay
I use this picture as the wallpaper on my phone!