Part 121: Ep. 85: Elemental, My Dear Buddy


Let's get this party started! And by 'party' I mean 'gab session'.

Well, if we can look this temple up on the internet, strike one for the idea that it's 'long-lost', I guess.


Sounds like a plan.

Sam & Co. head down the first wooden bridge--

--which leads us to this little outcropping. Laterites are iron-rich red-colored soils which are often cut into bricks and used to make monuments! Also apparently giant heads.

Well, I guess we might as well go down the second bridge to the temple, then!

Sam heads straight to one of the statue-pedestal things and reads its inscription. Welp. I think we can see how the next hour or so is going to go.

Sam does not even blink.


Evelyn walks by just as Sam is putting his notebook away.

Maybe Buddy's thought of something?

Buddy leans in to whisper to Sam, all secretive.

Sure was! Let's look around and see if we can find any special cups or magical torches or lemurs. Eee, lemurs.

Huh. The first thing we find is that someone's set up camp over here. Maybe Lyndsay?


Sam turns his attention to the tent.

He digs around and finds a couple of pith helmets. Yoink!
There's a full-length mirror right here; let's try those on!

... man, who goes camping with a full-length mirror?

Having looted the tent, Sam can now jump inside and take a nap if he is so inclined.

Sam goes to check out the temple itself. He's behind the green-and-gold statue in this one. Thanks, camera.

wow thanks for that

Sam's investigation is interrupted by Goth Boy. Sam puts his phone away and goes to check in with Lyndsay.

I guess the tent isn't hers after all.

Over on the left-hand side of the temple is a path wandering off into the jungle. Let's check that out. Sam heads into the trees--

--and finds himself at the foot of something called the Gaia Tree. Oh... boy.


Concept Art: Lyndsay
- by Ben Seto
Lyndsay often plays the role of your Sim's other best friend, right alongside Buddy, in those games in which you require a whole MyPosse. Her job is to provide a smart and down-to-earth alternative viewpoint to Buddy's free-floating idiot brilliance. ... she facepalms a lot.