Part 122: Ep. 86: Welcome To Earf


Sam enters the little grove through the archway over on the left and finds... blocky things.

And a sleepy lemur oh my goodness it's a lemur who's a lemur who's a pretty lemur are you Magellan? ... whoever he is, he continues to sleep, even if Sam steps on him.

Sam leaves the sleeping lemur alone and gets down to business.

There are actually only three odd-shaped pieces in there.

And we really only need two!

This brings us around to the back of the Gaia Tree, where Sam can hop on--or not, as he pleases.

Or he can get a text message! What the heck kind of accent do you have, Makoto?

Sam heads up into the tree. Four or so jumps up, we're redirected off the tree and onto higher ground. Despite the relatively vast tracts of land that he can explore behind the tree, there is nothing to be found or looked at there. They're just places to land should he fall. Which he will.

Man, that is a big tree.

If Sam follows the higher ground around, we come to this climbable vine. Not only does it go upwards, it does so in a camera-spinning U-turn. Fortunately, Sam is an old hand at balance beams now and only falls off a couple of times.

This brings us to the next set of platforms. We could climb up this vine here--

--or we could jump platforms all the way around the tree again and climb up this vine instead.

After many, many hilarious pratfalls, Sam manages to make the jump over to this dead end and this chest! It contains natural-type paints, which may include such things as bamboo and rivers.
Note: pratfalls were not actually hilarious.

And nothing has ever amused Goth Boy.

Okay, now we'll climb up that first vine.

Guess we're pretty high up!

From here Sam can climb up the vine right behind him... or he can balance along the super-long vine to the right, which curls all the way around the tree to a dead-end branch with another chest in it!

No question about it. We are going to go pick up those nature soundtracks. Also, that vine is some fresh hell, by golly.

Everything about the Gaia Tree involves going around and around in circles. The mountains and other trees spin sickeningly around Sam as he wanders along this vine and ACKPTH BUTTERFLY IN MOUTH

Climbing up the other vine leads us to the tree's summit, if trees have summits, which I'm pretty sure that this one does.

Gah! High winds!

Answer: LEMURS!

The orange lemur on the little, uh, lemur throne perks up.

The camera zooms in dramatically on the amulet around the lemur's throat, inspiring Sam to make a note of it.

Let's ask!

I swear that's exactly what he says.

All the lemurs bolt, much to Sam's chagrin.

But first: I did not know that! Thanks, Marlon!

Sam pretty much falls all the way back down the tree, then runs back to the pedestals and finds Magellan already waiting for him.

Sam pushes the switch on the side and the eyes of the pedestal light up!

The pedestal sinks, much to Magellan's interest.

Magellan is now surrounded by magical swooshing with leaves in it, which is presumably earthy.

One down! Three to go!


Video: The Longest Vine
Said fresh hell, now in video format. Worth watching; the music at the top of the Gaia Tree is neat, and the aggressive camera swooping really helps sell the idea that Sam is way the hell up there. Also, it's funny to watch Sam yelp and flail and whimper.
Video: Oh Flerb
When leaving a platforming area, it is often quicker to fall back down than to climb back down. Here, Sam falls all the way down the Gaia Tree, complete with much oofing and grunting.