Part 123: Ep. 87: Water We Doing Here


Over on the right-hand side of the temple, beyond the campsite, there are two more paths. Sam heads down the left-hand one first.

Someone has set up a chair and boombox back here, like the world's tiniest dance floor. (When turned on, the stereo plays an upbeat bluegrass fiddle tune. Sam will dance to this all day if we let him.) There's also a pile of fallen stone by the side of the temple, which leads to a small waterway and a knotted rope.

If Sam climbs up the rope, he comes out in the temple's 'backyard', so to speak.

Hey, what's that blue thing over by the waterfall?


Sam takes one step to the left.

Never mind that it's the size of Sam's torso. It's a laptop battery. Sam makes a note of his find.

And over here...

Sam investigates the broken pump, then concludes:

No problem!


A quick do-si-do with this chest nets us a tent of our very own! Now Sam and Wolfah can have a proper campout in the back garden, aww.

Sam can also clamber up onto the roof of the temple from here. It doesn't do him much good.

... of course Sam is going to tell him to go with 'turkey' what is wrong with you

Sam returns to the campsite and prepares to power up the laptop.

Sam updates his notes.

Sam can poke around on the computer, but he finds nothing of interest.

So we're all going to sit down and roast marshmallows and have ourselves a good ol' time. Also, a bit of a chat.

Sam stuffs his marshmallow into his mouth and heads around to the other side of the temple.

A quick Techno-Tooling later:

We can also steal some more of this poor dude's stuff.

The boombox nets us our third set! However, that seems to be it. Sam can't find anything else to salvage over here by the temple.

Maybe somewhere over here, by this stone bridge?



Well. ... hey, is that a Sim over there?