Part 126: Ep. 90: And Here's The Lich


Sam heads back over the improbable bridge to the shrine area.

Flush with triumph, Sir Vincent Skullfinder runs off with his prize. Sam brings his notes up to date.

Let's find out!

... was... was that sarcasm

Sounds like a fetchquest!

... oooor there's a little rock right here which will do nicely.

A few more jumps and Sam reaches the ledge beside the moon emblem, where a chest is hidden behind a wall of vines! Because we are super smart, we get a soundtrack for super-smart temple-goers and also a little more sarcasm, maybe.

Eventually Sam stops being spooked by every little skull and makes his way to the center of the room.

... Sam says, measuring it with a tape measure, which brings him to this conclusion:

Let's check out the sarcophagus first.

Sam creeps up on it--

--eases the lid open and peeks inside--

--then yelps in terror and reflexively slams the lid shut.

It's terrifying, but it's also got the fourth and final piece that we need to repair the old water pump. Sam laughs in embarrassment and rips the piece free.

Let's see if we can't repair this weird ancient mechanism before we go. After all, it's gear-driven!

With its locking mechanism repaired, the chest springs open. Sam loots the contents.

Sam puts that away in his little man-purse.

A plan! Let's go find Buddy and ask.

Apparently, Buddy is just now digging himself out from under the giant pillar Sam dropped on his head a couple of updates ago. Whoopsie.

He's super good at it, too.

Buddy bolts for the pedestal area, leaving Sam to bring his notes up to date--

--then follow Buddy over the bridge.

Buddy jumps onto a pedestal and starts playing the heck out of that horn. It sounds kind of trumpet-y.

And, with the push of a switch, the wind pedestal is activated!

Three down, one to go.


Video: Wah WAAAAH
Buddy's horn playing is the best.