The Let's Play Archive

MySims Agents

by Picayune

Part 133: Ep. 97: No, Really, The Nut Is Family


: Last time on MySims Agents: The Crown of Nightmares! Special Agent Sam has finally found it! Now all he has to do... is keep it safe.

: Dun dun dun.

: Exactly.


Speak of the devil: Evelyn come running in from outside. Seems the ramp is back. Maybe that big statue is a counterweight.

: I'm right here. Evelyn, we found it.

Evelyn gasps in shock, then beams.

: You got the Crown?!

: Yes. We finally beat Morcubus.

Sam puts the fortunite crystal back into the Crown, because this is a wonderful idea.

: Now, where can we put the Crown so it's truly safe...?

Evelyn jumps, startled.

: What?

King Mike runs over to Sam and Evelyn.

: Evie? Little Evie? Is it really you?

Pause. Dramatic zoom in.

: We need to get the Crown out of his reach.

Uh oh. Too much information has flatlined Mike again.

: Dad... are you okay?

Mike makes a mumbly sound.

: Daddy?

Mike snaps out of it.

: Oh, Evie... this is really happening?

: You're real!

Mike dashes over to his daughter.


: Evie, sweetie, it's been so long since I've seen real people. I... I got confused! I'm sorry...

... Sam

Sam quit it

... well, okay, I'll give you this one, Sam.

On the other side of the pedestal, Buddy turns to Lyndsay.

: Lyndsay, do you need a ride back to our headquarters?

: Are you kidding?! There's still so much to explore here! I'm going to stay until I've mapped out every room of this temple.

: Good luck, then, Lyndsay! Thanks for your help.

: Watch out for that first step. It's a doozy.

Sam turns back to Mike and Evelyn.

: Let's go, everyone.

Into the cargo hold with you!



: ... I really don't like this part, pal.