Part 134: Ep. 98: Well, This Seems... Bad
Hold onto the nearest butt, folks, it's a double update!

Our heroes: in trouble.

Morcubus glances at Esma.

This time, Sam is on the other end of the ol' Gimme That/No Way dance.

And he's in no position to argue. Apparently.

Morcubus ducks his head, and--

Having now won, Morcubus laughs evilly, as he is wont to do. Evil Laugh count: 1.



Dramatic musical sting!

Morcubus points at Sam and... well, he giggles. But it's an malicious giggle, so: Evil Laugh Count: 2.

Fun fact: since Yuki does not show up in this scene, for all we know we did strand her out at sea in her mini-sub. That or Morcubus really is Yuki in drag, as some posters have theorized.

Sam turns to Evelyn.

Mike dashes over to his daughter.

He wheels.

Morcubus does a double-take, then beams.

Morcubus does a gleeful little dance, unable to contain himself.

Evil Laugh count: 3.

The Morcugirls scoot back to give Morcubus some room, and--after Evil Laugh #4--

--Morcubus activates the Crown of Nightmares.

I'm going to count that as Evil Laugh #5.

Oh no.



Video: Morcuconfrontation
Definitely worth watching, if only because Morcubus and his voice actor are both having such a good time. "Bleh bleh bleh!"