Part 137: Dispatch Mission: Snake On The Loose!/Trouble With Truffles

Nothing less than expected from Wolfah.

ONLY A GREAT CHANCE OH CRAP ABORT ABORT nah, I'm just joshing you, they get sent out too.

Sam then heads down to the basement to show off our new nature-themed paints. Just as advertised, we have a fairly nice river-rock pattern and some bamboo siding.

A brief pause upstairs to mock Vic...

... and our snake-catchers arrive!

Thus, it is time to play arcade games with Star.

Sam returns to the lobby just in time to receive this message. Not sure what kind of phone Ikara has, but it seems to format text messages oddly. Oh, well, no skin off Sam's nonexistant nose.

You know what we should do? We should go around and see how everyone is doing now that our own issues have been temporarily tabled. To Main Street with us!

Sounds good. Sam will just check in with a couple of people first.

Ain't it the truth. Hey, there's Rhonda!

What about that pizza Buddy wanted? Let's go to Gino's.

And now: pizza with friends.

After pizza, to the park! Thanks, Magellan!

Sam heads back into the forested area. And we all know who hangs out there.

Let's go remind the mayor that we are always watching.

Turns out he's mad!

Skip seems startled by this news. Let's scoot before he starts crying.

Thank you, Gordon. Let's go check up on Shirley.

Yikes. That thing can go down?

Shirley is a lady who knows what she wants. Might as well check in at the construction site, too.

Got nothing to say to that. Let's... stop in at Evelyn's place for a moment.

I see she never got around to cleaning the place up before she... left us.

Sam heads out. Plenty more places to visit. Poppy's hanging around just outside the train station.

Poppy heads off and someone else decides to bother Sam.

I guess they assumed that Sam wouldn't send Renee on this mission? Anyway, Sam raises an eyebrow at his phone, then tells Ikara to let the pig roam freely. Do not leash Renee's pig. Renee will end you.
To the industrial district!

... why are the ex-Morcugirls here?

'Ruler of all' and she's back here watching Brandi plant trees. Okay!

Ha ha!
Let's go to Club Candy like Buddy wanted to.

Catch a snake, maybe?

Estivation: among other things, it means 'the act of spending or passing the summer'. Can't say this game isn't educational, in its way.

All three of them, as usual.
Sam climbs up the ladder into the rafters--

Makoto you are literally twenty feet away from me I can see you from up here uuuugh up onto the roof with us.

Grit leaps up and tears Sam's throat out! Or jumps up on him to lick his face, that seems more likely.

Face newly washed, Sam heads to the junkyard.

A bit of foreshadowing for SkyHeroes, in which Barney does indeed head one of the flying squads.

Ugh. Stop texting me.

Nobody's home at the lab, so Dr. F is probably still at the beach. Let's go find out!

Well, here's the turkey-on-a-fork stand. There's not even a line. Go nuts.

Can't help you there! What's up in the parking lot?

Also, I see Yuki got out while the getting was good.

Monkey cheese. Er, I mean, the pet shop may or may not have a walrus in stock, but the candy store definitely has chocolate. Go to the candy store. Oh God, it's Chaz McFreely.

Jerk. Hey, Buddy's made it to the sushi stand!

Still chewing, Sam heads down to the beach.

... good?

Awwww. (Suck it, Chaz.)

Might as well pop into the tattoo shop.

To the other beach!

Oh dear. Pre-emptively sorry, TOBOR.

Well, that's true. We don't know any other robots. Just some ordinary high school girls.
And what about up at the tidepools?

That's... that's terrible. I guess. A giant squid who can juggle? Terrible.

... you know, I was assuming this snake was a couple of feet long. I guess I ought to know better than to assume these things.

Having checked in with everyone--literally everyone that we can reach has something new to say, including all our junior agents!--Sam heads back to HQ.

You know, both these missions feel kind of perfunctory.

And no one died! That we know of! Let's see how it all turned out.

She sure does! She brought us a chair and a figurine of King Mike for our trophy case!
For the record: while the description on the figurine of Mike makes it sound like we should have found it in the temple, I've never once found it in there. The few mentions I can find of it online always have it showing up as a dispatch-mission reward, like this. Oh, well, as long as we get it.

... ohhhh dear. For so many reasons: oh dear.

Sam shuffles Liberty off to the gym, as he is wont to do with new recruits.


You'd think she was being sarcastic or something. We receive another dispatch mission from Ikara, as well as a water cooler and... a lemur costume!

The rest of our rewards will wait until next time, but we can't stop without looking at Sam's new lemur pajamas.
Whew! That's done. Sam's already in his pajamas and he needs a nap. While he rests, let's have another

Something to note: we are rapidly running out of dispatch missions! There are fifty-one dispatch missions in the game and we've completed all but a handful of them. One of today's missions will get us our last junior agent--if there's anybody you want to see in action, now's the time to vote for them!
Sam would appreciate it if you'd form a team to help Chancellor Ikara, because he's tired of doing it:

Ikara needs strong athletic Sports agents to act as his bodyguards, and Paranormal agents to... huh. Why does he need Paranormal agents? This is a question that we must resolve during the course of the mission!

You can always check their stats in the second post in this thread, just underneath the OP.
Sam, meanwhile, will be helping Aran here:

Suggestions for Aran's penguins are always welcome! You have about twenty-four hours to vote!