Part 14: Ep. 9: The Return Of Agent Walker
Woo! Page 3!

Time to jam the shiny new page full of images!

Last time on MySims Agents
: Love makes people do funny things, pal. Like create fictitious branches of the government.
Having sorted out Shirley's love life--at least, for the time being--we leave the salon.

: Hey, Sam! Buddy! Over here!

: Agent Walker!

: The Agency will be keeping an eye on him from now on.

: We should also figure out why the mountains are so important to Morcucorp.

: And we will, but first...
Walker leads us to a quieter and slightly more dramatically appropriate place.

: I'm assigning you to your own headquarters, right here in the city.

: Our own headquarters! Now Gino can
actually use both of his tables, pal!

: You'll have to take the train to get there. I'll meet you at your headquarters later. I have some Agency business to take care of first.
And on that mysterious note, Agent Walker takes his mysterious leave. Before we do the same, let's be responsible special agents and make sure that everything is okay here on Main Street.

: Anything in the news, Luis?
Everything's fine!

: Hey Buddy!

: Heya pal! I finished
sketching Gino if you need to put him in a lineup!

: Buddy, Gino wasn't the bad guy, it was Derek.

: Oh, but I thought Gino was Shirley's secret admirer and that's why he
burned down his pizzeria.
Everything's back to normal!

: Hey Poppy, how are the flowers today?

: Hi Sam! Very
... wow, okay, enough of that. Let's go check out our new headquarters!
This is the transit map as it currently stands. The purple dot is the Main Street station, and the green dot is Headquarters. The two gray dots are stations that we can't travel to yet, for the usual reasons.

: ... assuming the building passes my 24-point inspection.

: ... point 17: fridge must be big enough to fit 32 pounds of bacon.
Sam wisely elects to say nothing in response, and soon enough, we're here!
... holy crap.
Uh. Anyway. Apparently we have a welcoming committee outside?

: Um... may I help you?
The fanged girl in the Morcucorp jumpsuit says she's not spying, so obviously she's not spying. Let's go inside!

: Wow! This is amazing!
The camera does a nice slow pan across the lobby area.

: That's right, this is all yours. Roxie here will show you around.
The bee girl waves. Bee girl? Bee girl.

: It even has vaulted ceilings and a jet plane up on the roof!

: Seriously. Vaulted ceilings. They really make the place feel roomy--

: No, I mean, do I really get my own jet?

: Oh, sure. Just take the elevator to the top floor. It leads out to the landing pad.

Temp secretary. "Temp" being the operative word there. As soon as my fan fiction takes off, I'll get a sweet publishing deal and then I'm outta here.

: Ha ha! Good one. She's kidding, of course.

: No, I'm not.

: If you'll follow me, please.
Roxie leads us deeper into the lobby area. Behind her, Jenny mutters and rolls her eyes at the wall.

: Yikes! Don't take this job too seriously or anything...

: ... such as changing your outfit in this Derobenator 9000.
Roxie gestures at the oversized trash can in the left-hand corner.

: Sweet! Can I try it?

: Actually, that's for agents only.

: Buddy's not an agent?

: Not unless he can provide a crimefighting tool.

: Umm... he's my sketch artist!

: Yeah!
Roxie ponders this revelation.

: ... alright, fine.

: Yes!
Buddy runs over to the Derobenator, which springs open with cartoonish speed.
Buddy spins around, and...

: Ha! So what do you think, Sam?

: Looking good, Buddy.

: Hecks yeah! Did you see these glasses?
Declining to comment on that, Roxie leads us down to the final area of the lobby.

: This is my station. While you're out on a case, I can give you real-time updates from here.

: I can help you chemically analyze any number of things you might encounter on your missions.

Don't touch anything! You're covered in germs and it takes me 16 hours to sanitize this station.

: So if I need to analyze something... I should just call you on the phone?

: Yup! The
analyzer fits right in your phone. It will allow you to scan any suspicious material and send the results directly to me!

: Now, there's something else we should discuss.
Roxie leads us back up front to where Walker is waiting. After a moment, Jenny turns around and notices the change in Buddy.

: Whoa! Buddy! Check
you out! Did those come from the Derobenator?

: Uh-huh.

: So it just gives out free clothes?

: I'm going on break so I can go browse.

Agents only!!! Besides, you have more important things to do.

: Jenny is going to help you recruit more agents.

: When I'm on the clock. Right now I'm taking my break.

: Wait... I can hire my own agents?

: Of course! Preserving liberty is everyone's duty! Just talk to Jenny and she'll explain how to get some new recruits.

: Thank you, Roxie. Well done. Looks like you're all set, Sam.
Walker gives the lobby one last long look.

: Well, that's it, Sam. It's all up to you now.

: Where are you going to be?

: I need to return to my own city. But don't worry, I'm confident that you're the right one for the job.

: ... I guess.

: I'll be sure to drop in if there are any new upgrades for your special agent tools. For now, explore the HQ. Get to know the place. When you're ready, talk to Jenny and try to recruit a new agent.
Having entrusted us with the fate of the city--and with a headquarters worth a couple of billion simoleons--Walker leaves.

: Wow! Take a look at us, Sam!

: Congratulations! You should give me the rest of the day off to celebrate.

: One more thing, if you have someone in mind you want to recruit as an agent, just give them a call on the office phone.
We'll get right on that. Sure.

Next time on MySims Agents
: Omigosh, pal! Look at this! Look at that! We have to check everything out!
An official EA publicity still of our new headquarters!
Video: The Derobenator 9000
Buddy changes into his swanky new agent gear with the help of a mildly-terrifying machine!