The Let's Play Archive

MySims Agents

by Picayune

Part 142: Ep. 100': Meanwhile, In Another Universe

Let's take a look at what was actually happening during 'One More Time'.

No matter how well-prepared the team is, they will never be given more than a fair chance to succeed. They can't actually fail, though; this is a plot mission and has other goals.

The team is dispatched and each member sends Sam a text, as usual. Then Walker takes over again:

This is the one and only time when a dispatch-mission choice has any real effect on the game. Should Sam decide that saving Evelyn is not worth unleashing Morcubus on the world again, he can tell Agent Walker to leave them both behind--and Walker will.

Note that we still get a 'Mission Accomplished'. The point of the mission was to investigate the rifts, remember? Well, we did that.

: I need a mission debriefing. What was the result?

: What a grueling mission. I'm just getting the final report now, Sam.

Despite having technically completed the mission, we don't get the Evelyn trophy--appropriately enough--nor do we get our bonus bundle of tiki statues.

: The last report is in. All the rifts have been sealed and...

: Then Morcubus is really gone. The city is finally safe.

Sam and Jenny make sad faces at each other. From off-camera:

: That's right. Chalk one up for the good guys.

Sam and Jenny both jump, startled. Sam spins around.

: Agent Walker!

: And in this case, you made the right choice.

: I wonder if Mike will see it that way.

: He knows better than anybody what Morcubus is capable of. He'll understand.

: So what happens now?

: Now?

The camera begins a dramatic swoop around Sam and Walker.

: Enjoy the peace you've created.

: To be honest, I wouldn't mind a little break.

: Sure. You've earned it.

Sam salutes.

: Yes, sir!

Walker turns to go. Sam smiles in relief, turning tired eyes to his future--

--but the trophy case will always have an empty spot in it.

Aaaaand that's a downer of a note to play the LP off on, so let's end it with a selection of GIFs of Buddy stumbling and falling down:

And that's all I've got! So long, folks! Thanks for reading.


Video: The End?
Video version of the bad ending! Also sets up the sequel that was never made.