Part 17: Ep. 11: Foreshadowing? We Don't Do That Here

Last time on MySims Agents
: Sam and his crew are just settling into their swanky new headquarters when a mysterious woman charges in! Who is she? What does she want? ... this still feels weird.

: Sam, is it?
Sam and the mysterious lady exchange little waves.

: I try to.

: Well, I have a mystery.

: Whoa. I'd say that's pretty compelling evidence!

: Yes. The door was open when I got home, and when I went inside...

: It was awful!
Overcome, Evelyn spins around and starts crying.

: Did they take anything? What did they want?
Evelyn gets control of herself again.

: Well, I don't know what they wanted. That's why I'm hiring you.
Taken aback by this sudden huffiness, Sam hurries over to huddle with Jenny and Buddy.

: I think we should help. Do you think Derek has moved up to burglary now?

: No, this sounds way too big for the neighborhood bully. I wonder...
Sam returns to Evelyn.

: Evelyn, did you see anybody strange around your apartment?

: Well, there was a girl... I didn't get a good look. She was wearing a red and gray Morcucorp jumpsuit...

: Thank you, Sam. When you are ready, I'll meet you outside of my apartment.
Evelyn starts to leave, then stops. Her shoulders slump.

: Don't worry. Whoever did this, I'm sure they're long gone. We'll be there soon.

: Okay.
Evelyn leaves.

: She seems nice.

: Yeah. I wonder who would want to scare her like that.

: I dunno. A mummy?

: Sam, be careful.

Next time on MySims Agents
: Is the key to the whole mystery to be found in Evelyn's ransacked apartment? Or perhaps... perhaps the key is something that is no longer there! Find out next time, on MySims Agents

Huh. I think you're getting better at this.

Thanks, pal! I was up all night practicing in front of the mirror!
Concept Art: Evelyn and... Madison?
- by
Ben Seto
The original plot of
Agents called for Evelyn to have a twin sister (or an evil reflection, or something). Somewhere along the line this idea was scrapped, but hints of Madison still remain here and there. Madison even has an unused portrait, which is a mirror of Evelyn's:
