Part 18: Ep. 12: Oh, That Kind Of Asshole

Last time on MySims Agents
: Was the break-in at Evelyn's place just a simple robbery, or something more Morcu-sinister? Special Agent Sam has his suspicions!
We're supposed to go meet Evelyn outside her apartment. First, though, we should confer with our co-workers, just in case they have any helpful suggestions.

: Hey Buddy, what do you think?

: But I still enjoyed it, even if it was a little too long.

: Um... I meant about the case and Evelyn.

: Oh. I haven't really thought about it, pal.
Thanks, Buddy! Jenny only tells us that she doesn't have any other dispatch missions for us. Let's check in with Roxie.

: Hey, what's up?

: Hello Sam, I think I have everything here almost set up.

: I've got all the latest equipment for remote
molecular deconstruction. Hands free and dust free!

: Dust free?

: Yes! It... it brings a
tear to my eye, Sam.
We pride ourselves on relevance here at Special Agent HQ. Anyway, let's head out. And... that girl is still out there.

: Are you looking for someone, or...?
Okay! Let's head back to Main Street. (Of course Evelyn lives on Main Street. I may have implied that we were done with the area. Once again I have cruelly misled you.) Once on the train, Sam finds himself musing about the circumstances.

: I wonder what Buddy thought about our enigmatic guest?
They ride in silence for a moment.

: I had a hamster named Evelyn once!
Once again, Sam knows better than to respond to that, and shortly we arrive.
We head down to the plaza, pausing on the way to see if Luis happens to know anything about the burglary.

: Hi Luis. Have you heard about the break-in at Evelyn's apartment?

: I did! I think it's going to be in tomorrow's paper! Speaking of papers, would you like to buy one?

: Maybe later, Luis. I'm still on the job.

: If I had a quarter for everyone who said that to me, I'd have enough for college already! Haha! Just kidding!
We've just excused ourselves from Luis when our phone goes nuts. We have a text message! From Agent Walker! Apparently he's overseeing Travis' dispatch mission. How nice of him. We'll just check that now.
... okay! Let's get on with our own business. We head towards the apartment buildings, stopping to speak to Rhonda along the way.

: Hi, Rhonda. Do you have any idea who might have ransacked Evelyn's apartment?

: No! And I don't want to know! Stay away from creepy apartment-ransacking criminals--that's my motto!

: Okay, thanks Rhonda.

Once I suggested to Rhonda that her motto should be 'stay away from mottos--that's my motto'. She didn't speak to me for a week.
Continuing on down the street, we find a worried-looking Evelyn out in front of a nice pink brick townhouse.

: Hello, Evelyn. I have a couple of questions.

: Okay, Agent Sam.

: Any additional info you can give me about the perp you saw escaping?

: Not really, just that she was wearing that red and gray Morcucorp uniform.

: Have you had any problems with Morcucorp in the past?

: No... never!

: So whatever interest they have in you... it's new.

: Do you have any idea if they took anything?

: Yes! I took a quick inventory. It looks like they took some jewelry and some other random stuff.

: What 'random stuff' did they take?

: Aha! If this was a simple burglary, they wouldn't have had use for those. I'm on it, Evelyn. That's a solid lead.

Evelyn's apartment is sure to be full of evidence.
So let's go toss the place!
Ooch. Guess somebody beat us to it. Oh, well. Let's rummage around in Evelyn's desk!

A haircut receipt... is this Evelyn's?

: Hmm... anything under the bed?
Sam gets down on the floor and looks.

A pizza coupon... is this Evelyn's?
Sam jumps on the bed for a while--not a real interaction, just me being a jerk armed with a jump button--and then gets back to business.

Perhaps this ink got stepped in.
Magnifying glass time!
What kind of asshole walks across someone's bed with his shoes on?

The criminal broke in and left through the window... more prints out there?
We scramble right out the window--I guess we could have used the door and gone around, but we're go-getters
--and are following the trail across the neighbor's yard when, all of a sudden: a text message from Travis! Maybe he's rescued the cat!
Or... not. Anyway, we tell him to try bird noises. Cats like birds, right? And we get back to following the footprints.
Well, she could have juggled tomatoes. Or saluted a statue. But Sam has a suspicion--
--and into the dumpster he goes. Agh, Sam, your new suit! Oh, well, it was free.

They stole the letter to Evelyn's dad, but didn't keep it. They must have been after something else.
Let's go ask Evelyn about these completely ordinary and random things we plucked out of the mess to make a fuss about.

: Is this your
salon receipt?

: Yeah, that's mine. I went to Shirley's yesterday to get my hair done.

: It looks nice. Thanks for the info.

The criminals didn't have anything to do with the salon receipt.

: Is this your
pizza coupon?

: Nope. I'm allergic to tomatoes, so I never go to Gino's place.

Did the criminal stop in for a slice of pizza before the break-in?
Sounds like a lead of some kind! On the way to the pizzeria we stop to consult with Buddy.

: Crime is never simple, Sam! There are usually a variety of socioeconomic, circumstantial, and psychological reasons, often conflicting, that lead a person to commit a hostile or aggressive act against another member of a society.

: ...

: I read that in a coloring book once!
Our Buddy is the best Buddy.

Next time on MySims Agents
: A little hard work never hurt anybody, pal! Unless you pull a muscle or something.