Part 20: Ep. 14: Skipping The Country

Back we go to the mayor's office, to confront him about our suspicions. An infuriated Evelyn remains outside.

Skip never changes, does he?

Ew. Anyway. Without further ado, we wake Skip up from his nap.

Skip puts on an appropriately mournful face.

Having so elegantly called our bluff, Skip dismisses us in favor of reading a book at his desk. Time to think of something else!

But before we go, let's beat the crap out of this statue with our crowbar. What's Skip going to do? Protest?

We head out. Back to the forest. Man, I will be glad when we get to break laws somewhere else. On the way to the forest, we run into Buddy.


If the cat is backing away from the ladder, Travis should use the ladder as a decoy and climb the tree instead. I'm surprised no one else thought of this. I guess that's why I'm the senior agent here. I tell them as much and move on.

Here we are in the forest again. Now, if we're looking for something Skip discarded, it's probably in a garbage can (or Skip is even more of a scofflaw than we imagined). Let's go look around.

Oh, right, the inhaler! But what... aha.

Sam whips out his cell phone and calls Roxie, back at HQ.

Sam pushes a few buttons on his phone and scans the inhaler with a weird pink light.

Which we actually can't see very well in this shot. Oh, well. Having scanned the inhaler and sent the information to Roxie, it's time for our next minigame!

In the CSI minigame, we need to build complete molecules using the atoms that we somehow scanned into our phone. Blue atoms can be connected to only one other atom, green atoms need two and only two connections, purple atoms have three, and red ones have four. We have here a starting atom with four open connections and four one-connection blue atoms.

Simple. Sam puts the phone back to his ear, magically not analyzing his own earwax, to hear what Roxie has to say about the inhaler.


Time to find out if our hunch was right. We need flowers. Who has flowers? Oh, right.

Man, Poppy's flower shop has everything. Even weeds. And while we're here:

And why not?

Off we go.

I give up. Sam's an asshole. To prove it, here's Sam bashing Poppy's flower cart with his crowbar.

To City Hall! Again!

We blow the dandelion seeds right in Skip's face. Skip flails around and then sneezes all over us. Sam is grossed out. We deserved that.

Sam pretty obviously isn't buying that, but once again, we have to be thorough.

Sam is nothing if not methodical. And an asshole. Anyway, what time did the break-in happen? We could ask Skip, since he seems to know. Let's do that! There's nothing wrong with this idea!

Oh well. We're leaving Skip's office when BINGLEY BINGLEY BEEP

Well, it's about damn time. We've nearly uncovered an entire Morcucorp conspiracy in the time it's taken you to rescue one single cat.