Part 24: Interlude: Playing In The Snow
With a new area comes a whole new set of things to mess with!There's a locked crate in the snow up by the ranger station, but as we've seen, Sam cares not for locks. He crowbars it open and gets:

Which we can currently do nothing with, woo hoo.

We can bash a garbage can with our crowbar until it spills trash everywhere!

... and then we can clean it right back up, because littering would be wrong.

Sam says, saluting.

Sam has something different to say about each car in the parking lot, mostly not terribly interesting.

Who here remembers Twisted Metal? (Sam is mentioning the hood because we'll be able to steal parts from this machine later.)

There's a whole range of animations related to the hot tub. Sims can duck under, spout water from their mouths, chat, splash each other, and so on.

Not shown: Sam laughing and doing a startlingly good impression of a dude on a snowboard. The snowboarding animation is so detailed, in fact, that it makes me wonder if there wasn't a MySims Winter Sports game in development at one point.

Oh, hey, there's a chest on the roof!

Rockin'. It goes in the 'useless' stash for now.

And, finally, here's what the snowbunny does if Sam gets too close.
Let's go inside the lodge!


Video: Sam Plays The Piano
Apparently Sam's taste in music runs towards the creepy and atmospheric.