Part 26: Ep. 19: On the Jump


The unlocked gate lets us access this lovely area. The agents will wander around poking at things and chatting on their phones, which sound like a muted version of Sam's phone and thus startle me repeatedly; meanwhile, I sense some platforming in Sam's future.

There's another log cabin in the back of the area, this one firmly boarded up.

Let's get started! We hop on this thin ice arch and balance across it. Once on the middle platforms, we can jump over and head north to a second balance beam--

--or head south and west instead, to a dead end with a chest in it. Sam heads for that and misses his jump, landing on his ass on the ice and forcing us to run the gauntlet from the beginning again.

We get the chest the second time and head onwards, to the north.

The second icy arch takes us to the back of this little platforming area and is also the first beam to include a crosswind! Crosswinds do exactly what you think they should: try to blow Sam off his precarious perch. We arrive safely on the far side, and...

Wooooooooo! Technically we could drop everything and take the jet back to headquarters right now to pick up our prizes and dispatch the team on another quest.

Or... we could go pick up this chest instead. Yeah, let's do that.

At the very back of the area is this broken-down old wooden walkway. If we follow it to the top...

We reach a snowy plateau, which contains adorably disturbing news.

Sam runs over to join the tiny cubical wolf by the bench.

Sam steps over and examines the object closely. What is that? Bacon?

Wolfah sniffs the scarf.

Wolfah runs off, heading generally north.

But there's nothing up here to scavenge for parts! Do we have to go all the way back down to the bottom of the mountain to rip up that snow dozer?

Nope, actually, the game just hands us some belts for free. Maybe they were under Preston's scarf.

Getting us used to the idea that belts come in three different lengths!

Both ski lifts are now working: the one from this midpoint down to the lodge, and the one from here up to the summit. We don't need to head back down for anything, though, so up we go. The 'getting on a ski lift' animation is also quite smooth and detailed--I'm starting to believe in my crackpot MySims Winter Sports theory.

We are delivered to the summit. Hey, what's that?

Oh no!

Special Agent Sam: friend to all wolves, enemy to all mayors.

Sam wields his trusty crowbar and bashes the shit out of the old wooden trap. Splinters fly everywhere. A few hits and Wolfah is free!

We wander around the large summit area looking for things. And we find things. A chest, a bunch of withered trees, an animal's den, and, buried in a pile of snow...

Sam calls Roxie, who is snug and warm back at HQ.

bwoop bwoop

Complicated fur.

Sam says goodbye and hangs up.

We still don't know where this so-called 'yeti' is, but we sure have a lot of evidence that it's there!

Over here we dig up a yeti doll. How'd that get here?

We head back to where Wolfah is waiting.

Wolfah dashes into the little animal's den in the cliff's face.

He then reappears atop the unreachable ledge--and...

Good boy! Sam climbs up the ladder.

Now that we're up on the ledge, it's time for more platforming! Now in waist-deep snow! Yay. It's a pretty straightforward scramble up the ledges to the top, although Sam fails to make one particular jump in the middle on three separate attempts. Not being able to move the camera is a killer.

We make it all the way to the top ledge, where we find an ominous cave.

Sam's time-honored response to being balked: bash something with his crowbar.

And go into the cave we do.

Assuming there was such a thing as a yeti in the first place, which there isn't.

Sam runs into the cave.

... no one saw that one coming!