Part 27: Ep. 20: Holy Infodump, Batman
So far, so good!

Last time on MySims Agents
: Oh my gosh, pal! A yeti!

So there I was, alone in a cave with a sleeping yeti. My every instinct was screaming at me to sneak back out before it woke up--

: Ummmm...
Sam tentatively waves.

--oh, who am I kidding.
Oh, hey, it's a talking yeti! Not shown: his hilariously deep warble of a voice.

: Uh... thanks! I'm Sam. Listen, you haven't seen a guy named Preston, have you?

: Preston? Nah, don't know him. Like I said, though, don't get a lot of company up here.
Sam looks around the area.

: What seems to be the problem there, Sam?

I was trying to refrain from asking, 'So, hey, did you maul some guy yesterday, maybe eat him?' It just didn't seem polite.

: Oh yeah? Wonder if they were looking for me. Guess I should introduce myself.

: Seriously?
You're a P.W.? Any idea what a man named Morcubus would want with you?

: Morcubus?! Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time... a
long time.

: So you
do know him!
Whoa, plot twist!

: You weren't always a yeti?! Wait, let's slow down... tell me what you
can remember.

: I was... I was a lab assistant. Way back. I helped do research for Morcubus.
The camera zooms dramatically in on Paul's adorably sad yeti face and--flashback!

: It had a special power that was going to change the world...

: What happened?

: There was an accident.
Dun dun dun! Sam gasps.

: Yikes. Where is this crown now?

: I don't know. There was a fight.
Paul shambles off a few steps, staring at nothing. After a moment, Sam prompts him to continue.

: What others? Who?

: And something bad happened to our lab. But... was it

: Did
I do it? It's too hard to remember! I wandered for days...

: The next thing I know, I'm stumbling into this cave. But it's nice and cozy in here, so I don't mind. I mean, there's gotta be
worse caves than this, right?

: The lodge? I don't know, man. Me and public places don't really mix so well.

: It'll be okay. We'll prove you didn't kidnap Preston, and then the agents down there can focus their search in the right places.

: Huh. Well, as long as you have my back, Sam. Heck, I could even help with the search. It can get cold out there!

: Thanks, Paul.
Sam starts to head towards the entrance, then stops.

: It's starting to get dark already. I'll get a room at the lodge for the night. Come down tomorrow morning and I'll introduce you to everybody.
Sam nods and leaves.

Next time on MySims Agents
oh my gosh, pal!
Concept Art: Paul The Yeti
- by
Genevieve Tsai
Video: The Infodump Of Paul
Video version of the above! Good particularly for Paul's DEEP, SAD voice.