Part 29: Interlude: Another Day, Another Set Of Ill-Gotten Gains
Wow. That's... that's heavy. That's a lot to take in. While we process this information, let's run around and mess with things that don't belong to us!There were two chests in the first platforming area, one to the left:

And in the chest to the right:

Up on the mountain's summit, there are a lot of things to find, starting with this chest way off to the right where no one in their right mind would even go:

So we're now carrying around a soda machine, a refrigerator, a hot tub, and a piano. Fortunately, as a representative of the Sim government, Sam has very deep pockets.

Aw, little tree.

Did Dogwood bury this here?

And I'm sure a television that was buried in the snow outside Paul's cave still works perfectly.
What about inside Paul's cave? Now that he's down at the lodge in handcuffs, we can loot the place with impunity!

Well, Wolfah's moved in here, but he won't stop us: all he'll do is howl mournfully. Some watchwolf you are, Wolfah.

Sam is so special an agent that he's allowed the use of semicolons.

Examining the recliner nets us a trophy! Add it to the 'useless for now' pile.

No wonder we found a flamingo in the snowdrift outside! It was trying to fly south for the winter! Flamingos totally do that.

Sam is actually being sarcastic here: he cries and wails for a second, then cracks up at his own ridiculousness.

We can also raid the fridge for a snack! Sometimes Sam gets himself a can of soda.

Sometimes Sam pulls out a box of cookies and pours them directly into his face.

Sometimes Sam finds a rotten apple core and goes "Ewww." before throwing it away.

And sometimes Sam finds nothing at all that he feel like snacking on. Which is just terribly sad.