Part 30: Ep. 22: A Hairy Situation

Last time on MySims Agents
: Preston's returned and Paul's under arrest! Preston says he was kidnapped by a yeti--Paul says he didn't do it--it's a classic case of 'he said, yeti said'!
There's nothing sadder than a sad yeti. We have to save Paul! Calmly and logically, of course. First, let's assess the damage.
Yup, shit's wrecked. The other rack of snowboards is in splinters. Several garbage cans have been overturned and litter has been spilled everywhere. (We tidy those up, because we're Mr. Nice Agent today.) Finally, there's the destroyed hot tub, which is spouting water from broken pipes.

Perhaps I should analyze the leftover water, just in case.
Sam calls Roxie.

: Roxie, can you analyze this water? We might find some trace evidence.
beep, beep, bwoop woop woop
Four threes, four twos, four ones. Sam's favorite poker hand.
It's a windmill!

: I found traces of fur. Yeti fur, to be exact. Paul's yeti fur, to be overwhelmingly precise.
Which she can now recognize, of course, because Sam analyzed a hunk of Paul's fur earlier. Sam says goodbye and hangs up.

Paul's fur was all over the hot tub. Was it left there as Paul destroyed it?
Did Paul have a hand in this? Let's go talk to him.

: Do you know anything about this attack, Paul?

: I'm very sorry I got you into this mess.

: Thanks, Sam. I don't think this is your fault, nor can I really blame the others. I'd probably lock me up as well.

Thanks. I really needed to feel worse about this.

: Well, I'll find the truth, Paul. You can count on that.

: Got an alibi, Paul?

: An alibi? I took Wolfah for a walk this morning, but I don't think he'll be able to vouch for me.

: Yeah, wolves probably don't make the best alibis.

: Or the best house... er cave-pets. He's quite loyal, but all that howling is distracting, especially during my 'stories.'

: Well, I've got some more questions for you. Why does Agent Marshall think you're guilty?

: Besides the fact that I'm a frightening yeti? Perhaps, it has something to do with... with my past...

: Your past? You mentioned something about that yesterday. Anything more you can tell me that might help?

: OK, Paul. I'll try to find out from Agent Marshall.
Huh. Sam goes to talk to Rosalyn.

: What's your take on all this, Agent Marshall?

: I don't think it's quite that simple. We need to find some proof before we blame Paul.

: Well, good luck with that. I think I'll stay here, though, and keep a close eye on him.

: Do you know something about Paul's past?

: This isn't the first time I've heard of Paul Wiesin... Wisenow... um, Paul W. He's been on the Agency's radar for years.

: Is he wanted for something?

: Really? Paul seems so nice and mellow. I have trouble believing he'd destroy anything, let alone a whole lab.

: Just check the Agency records. You can access them from the lodge computer... assuming Paul didn't destroy it!
As long as we're out here, let's talk to Vic. He seems to be on our side, sort of. At the very least, he's utterly thrilled that a real, live yeti is around.

: What's your take on this, Agent Vector?
Yes, he really does say 'OMG'.

: Questions, such as?

: Do they have to shampoo their
whole body when they shower? Is shopping for shoes a problem? What do they...

: OK, Vic, I think I get the idea. Thanks. What about the attack on the lodge?

: Well, from everything I've read online about yetis, they totally have the strength to smash all that stuff.

: Hm... good to know. Thanks, Vic.

: Okay, Vic. See you later!

: Later!
The next thing to do is go inside and warm up. I mean, go use the lodge's computer to check Agency records on Paul. Sam catches up to Buddy on his way back to the lodge.

: What are your thoughts on the attack?

: It's a disaster! Today was going to be my hot tub day. I guess I'll just have to settle for ski lift racing.

: Have fun with that, Buddy.
Sam goes back into the lodge, logs on, and surfs around for a while. Finally:

I downloaded Paul's records and Rosalyn was right. He is reported to have destroyed the lab before disappearing.
Honestly, this is starting to look bad for Paul. He's capable of destroying things, he has an admitted anger problem, he's suspected to have destroyed things in the past, and, of course, he's a big scary cartoon yeti. Let's interview everyone inside while we're here.

: How are you doing, Nova?

: The attack on my lodge is quite upsetting. Do you know how hard it is to schedule a repairman to come to the mountains?

: Uh, can't say that I do. So who do you think was behind it?

: I refuse to believe that the yeti... Paul would want to damage my lodge, but I can't see why anyone else would have.

: I'll find out what happened, Nova. Don't worry.
Beebee is also here.

: What do you think about all this, Beebee?

: Preston's back!! Yay!

: Yes, I'm glad to see that he's all right. Do you think the yeti attacked the lodge?

: Of course! He's such a meanie! Breaking things and being big and hairy and taking Preston away.

: Thanks for your input, Beebee.
And she's helpful as always. Evelyn's also here, of course, since she's not at all dressed for snow.

: Do you think Paul attacked the lodge?

: I hope not! If the Agency takes him away, we'll never get to fully question him!

: Well, I'll do my best to clear him, but I'm not sure where the evidence will point yet.

: Just get me answers, Sam! I need to find my father!
And, finally, the kidnap victim of the hour.

: Any idea what happened to the lodge?

: How would I know? I just got away from the yeti! I was in his cave all night and all day!

: Paul held you prisoner? In his cave?

: Yeah! It was scary and empty and dark! He knocked me out and ripped my shirt!

: I was in the yeti's cave yesterday and I didn't see you anywhere.

: Wait... what? You were in its cave? Maybe there are two yeti caves on the mountain!

: The yeti tied me up, but when it went out sometimes this morning I managed to loosen the ropes and run down the mountain.

: I have a few more questions for you. Your shirt looks fine now. Did you change?

: Well, yeah! I wasn't going to show up looking like that! I stuffed the ripped shirt into my luggage before I ran out to warn everyone.

: Would you mind showing me the ripped shirt in your luggage? Just to confirm your story?

: No! I don't have to show you anything! The yeti is the threat here, not me!

: Fine. I'll find out what happened without your help. I'll let you know if I have any more questions.

: I'm sure you'd have more luck interrogating the yeti. I've done nothing wrong.

: I'm not making any assumptions yet, Preston.
Preston huffs off and Sam whips out his trusty notebook to make a note to himself.

I should check Preston's luggage to confirm his story.
But that's edging a little close to an unlawful search, and while Sam enjoys those, he should probably exhaust all the legal avenues first. Sam therefore heads back to the ski-lift area to see if he can track the vandal's progress through the snow. He whips out his magnifying glass, and...
... uhhh.
A second yeti on the grassy knoll? This changes everything! The conspiracy theorists were right! Vic will be thrilled.
Sam wastes no time bringing this fact up to everyone who'll listen. First, he goes straight to the source.

: Are there any other yetis on the mountain?

: I've come across some evidence that suggests you might not be the only yeti around these parts.

: Really? How exciting! ... and a bit nerve-racking.

: Well, I'm still trying to figure out exactly what's going on. But you've never seen another yeti?

: Nope. But keep me updated! I'd like to know if I have a neighbor.
Maybe this will make Rosalyn rethink her stance on arresting Paul?

: I think there may be a second yeti.

: We better find and detain it immediately!

: How can you be sure that it's done something wrong?

: Well, I'll be patient while you find and arrest that second yeti.

: Thanks for your support, Agent Marshall.
Oddly, Vic has nothing to say about this development. He probably expected a multiple-yeti conspiracy from the start and can't understand why we're exercised about it. Anyway! Having exhausted the conversational possibilities outside, Sam heads back inside the lodge. On the way, he checks in with Buddy.

: I think there may be another yeti.

: That's an... interesting analogy, Buddy.
Into the warmth we go. Let's talk to Nova, since she's been living out here for years and would therefore be the most likely to have seen a second yeti.

: Have you ever seen a second yeti around?

: A second yeti? Heavens, no! Is there one?

: I'm beginning to suspect that there's more yeti than meets the eye with this case.

: A second yeti! Imagine the possibilities! I could finally create the his-and-her "I'm With Yeti" clothing line I've been dreaming about!

: Let's not get carried away. I'm not quite sure about this other yeti yet.
Evelyn's here, but I'm not sure how much she'd know--

: I'm beginning to suspect another yeti may be involved.

: Another yeti? Do you think it might also know about Morcubus or my dad?

: I'm not sure. I don't even know where it is!

: That seems a bit extreme. I'll see if I can track down our potential second yeti.
--but, really, the one to ask is Preston.

: Are you sure that Paul was the one that took you?

: Yes! I'm certain. ... why?

: Well, it now looks like there may be more than one yeti.

: Multiple yetis! I knew it would take great forces to cause this kind of destruction to the lodge!

: Did you see any other yetis when Paul took you?

: Tons of yetis? I find that dubious. Thanks for your time.
Wow, Preston isn't very good at this, is he? Anyway, now that we've talked to everybody about our second-gunman theory, let's go make a closer study of those footprints.
The light blue yeti tracks are all over the place, leading to every instance of vandalism that we've discovered, obviously the tracks of the miscreant. The dark blue yeti tracks lead directly from the gate to the hot tub, and nowhere else.
Sam follows the footprints out past the hot tub, to another dumped-out trash can--and then off into the snow. The trash can was the last thing to be vandalized, according to the trail--so where are these footprints going?

The prints pause here. I wonder why?
Suspicious! Sam digs in the snow, and...
... yetis play baseball?

Who might know about this bat?

Who left the bat in the snow? And where did they go?

Next time on MySims Agents
: Where did they go, pal?
Official EA Wallpapers:
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Click here for the full 1024x768 image
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Back when EA was still maintaining a big shiny interactive website for
MySims Agents, they offered these wallpapers in the downloads section. (Sadly, it was long enough ago that they're all 1024x768.) While the site is long gone, the images can still be found hanging around the grotty corners of the internet.