Part 32: Interlude: Takin' The Train To Cosplay Town
Naturally, there are a few outfits tucked away in various corners of the mountain. They are not for the faint of heart.
For example, if we hop over and look at this crashed minecart down in the abandoned mine...

Concept Art: Viking Costume
- by Ben Seto

There's also this unassuming little mound of snow, which we can dig around in.

Oh, a weird ski suit, huh? This ought to be good--

... ladies and gentlemen, Isaac Clarke from Dead Space!

As Dead Space was a more-or-less contemporary EA title, Isaac was originally slotted to make an actual cameo in MySims Agents. Because marketing. Sadly, cutbacks reduced his role to being a hidden costume and an unused portrait. We'll see another failed cameo a little later on in the game.
Concept Art: Isaac Clarke, MySims version
- by Ben Seto

And in this bookcase in Paul's cave...


... how did Paul even fit in that?
Also, I'm cheating here, just a little. We find the body of the bunny suit here in Paul's cave, but the mask part is one of our rewards for completing this case. Technically, we don't have it yet. Ooooh, posting from the future again~

And, as a little bonus, something about the game that I had never discovered before: if you put your cursor over your Sim's face in Create-A-Sim and leave it there for a few seconds, your Sim freaks out and swats the hand away with the most irritated little "Nyaa, neeb, neeb!" sound. It's just a happy bonus that I discovered it while I had Sam in the bunny suit.