Part 33: Ep. 24: Going To Bat For The Yeti

Last time on MySims Agents
: Sweet yeti costume, pal! So who did it belong to?
The two ranger stations are connected to each other via an abandoned mineshaft! Also, we have found a broken bat. Well, and a yeti costume. We should go ask people about the bat! And not about the costume. That's going to be our secret weapon. Our Ace-Attorney-style last-minute shocking evidence. Keep telling yourself that.
Carrying the bat, Sam heads for the lodge and, as always, runs first into Buddy. Let's get his input.

: What do you think of this bat I found?

: I used to play baseball! I was the bat boy!

: Technically, I don't think the bat boy counts as a player.

: I never played with a yeti bat before, though! I bet Paul would be a great relief pitcher.

: A yeti bat?

: Interesting. Thanks, Buddy!
Armed with our new knowledge, we head back to the main area. Rosalyn is not at all interested in some trash we found. Let's ask Paul about it.

: Hey, Paul. Do you recognize this bat?

: Hm... no. I don't think I've seen that bat before.

: The bat does have a yeti sticker on it. Any idea what that means?

: Erm... no. I assure you I've never used it. Maybe it's official lodge merchandise?

: Well, thanks. I'll ask around about the bat.
Vic is standing around playing with a yeti doll. I guess he bought that from the gift shop. Let's show him the bat.

: Know anything about this bat?

: Whoa! No, except that it looks awesome!

: Do you think the yeti could have used it to destroy the hot tub?

: Yes, thanks for clarifying.
Once inside the lodge, Sam wanders around asking people about the bat. No one knows anything. Finally, he reaches the gift shop and asks Professor Nova.

: Nova, do you recognize this bat?

: Of course! Those are novelty baseball bats that we sell here to support our off-season minor league baseball team, the Yetis!

: Have you sold a bat like this to anyone recently?

: Hm... not that I can recall. But we sell lots of these bats, so I imagine anyone could have found a spare one somewhere on the mountain.

: Anyone? *sigh* I'll never find out who destroyed the hot tub.

: What?! You have a security camera??

: Yes, it's up on the roof. I had it installed by Secureroom last year, but they never taught me how to use it!

: Thanks, Nova. I'll check it out.

Can I retrieve the video footage from the camera on the roof?

Can I shake Nova until her teeth rattle for not telling me about this until now?


Oh, wait, I saw the camera when I was up on the roof earlier and forgot all about it. Never mind.
Back we go to the rooftop.
Because Nova doesn't know how to access her security camera, we're going to have to hack into it!
We finish doing whatever it is we do to hack electronics, and...
... welp

The footage shows someone destroying the hot tub with a bat, but it's not Paul. It looks like another yeti.

Except that the baseball bat and the yeti costume meant that it was actually a person disguised as a yeti. And I don't think I'm going to surprise anyone when I say that it was probably Preston.

I knew I needed to wrap the case up and tie a bow on top to satisfy Rosalyn, though. And I knew that she'd want to know one last thing: why? What would possess a guy like Preston to dress up like a yeti, vandalize the lodge equipment with a baseball bat, and finally frame Paul for his own kidnapping? I needed to find out.
Consulting his notebook, Sam recalls that he was planning to illegally search Preston's luggage for that ripped shirt that Preston claimed he'd suffered. There are two suitcases over by the lodge's fireplace, one Beebee-pink and one Preston-tan. Sam goes over, violates a few laws, and...
Hmmmm. Come to think of it, didn't we find a bunch of bottled water in the cabin with the yeti suit?

I need to learn more about Preston and his bottling company.
And Preston's unlikely to tell us. Fortunately, he has a girlfriend, and his girlfriend is a little fluffy in the head.

: Beebee, do you know anything about Preston's water bottling company?

: An empire? Do you mean he already owns several factories?

: Yes, but he's looking to build one more right at the source! He wants to find a snow-capped mountain where clean water flows.

: Like... this place?

: Maybe? All I know is that Preston keeps all of his real estate paperwork in his car.

: Very interesting. And precise. Thank you, Beebee.

So, Preston keeps paperwork in his car. Maybe I could find something if I searched it.
Because what's one more felony, right? Before we do that, though, let's give Preston a chance to come clean. Or hang himself.

: A little bird told me that you're a water bottle mogul. Any comment?

: Hey, I'm just curious if what I heard was true.
Someone needs to check his privilege.

: Thanks for your time.
Hot on the trail, Sam heads for the parking lot.
Preston's car turns out to be the little blue one on the end. Let's search it! Sam whips out his magnifying glass and stares at the car for a while.

Preston owns all of the surrounding propertoes. Looks like he has a motive for wanting this lodge shut down!

I should report my findings to Agent Rosalyn.
But first, let's gather some corroborating evidence. You know, for shits and giggles. Sam goes back inside the lodge again and catches Beebee.

: Do you know anything about the deed in Preston's car?

: Oh, yes! I believe that's part of his water bottle real estate paperwork.

: What kind of paperwork?

: Sure. Thanks, Beebee.
We should totally go ask Preston about huge boobies. I mean, his penchant for collecting real estate.

: I saw an interesting looking document in your car.

: What? How dare you! My car's interior is private.

: I just looked through the window. Care to explain what it means?

: Nothing! I just like to purchase property. Who doesn't?

The face of a frightened man.

: When my business goes public, I'll be happy to answer your questions. Until then, good day!
Enough of that. Let's go confront Rosalyn with the facts and get Paul out of those handcuffs. Sam races back to the ski lift.

: Paul's innocent, agent!

: What? Impossible!

Next time on MySims Agents
: On the contrary, Agent Marshall--quite unimpossible! The most unimpossiblist thing you've seen all day!

You tell her, Buddy.