Part 35: Interlude: Good Thing The Jump Jet Has A Cargo Hold
We came back from the mountains with a suitcase full of souvenirs. As you do.
We bought some awesome yeti hats from the lodge gift shop.

And we got ourselves a yeti costume just like Preston's (hopefully it is not actually the same one).

We also apparently chased Agent Vic down in the parking lot and ripped his clothes off him! As you do.
(If we were playing a lady agent, we would have gotten the outfits of both Agent Rosalyn and Beebee. Sadly, male agents do not get Preston's super-rad sweater vest.)

Also, remember completing Gino's dispatch mission, forever ago? Let's finish that up now!

I don't think Gino quite understands what kind of detective Sam is--but that is all right with me.
Gino's dispatch mission also nets us a trophy! We found a trophy in Paul's cave, you may remember, and then we got two more trophies for solving Paul's case. And now that we are back at base, we can go look at our trophy case.

The case has always been there, but if we had tried to view our trophies before now, we would have just seen bare wooden shelves and then we would have become sad.

But now we have some trophies! Four, to be exact! Every spot in this case will eventually contain a trophy. (If we miss a hidden trophy, the game will generally give it to us as a dispatch-mission reward later. Very nice of it.)

The Yeti Boot, a reward for solving Paul's case.

Paul The Yeti, found stuffed behind Paul's oversized recliner in his cave.

Yeti Preston, also a reward for solving Paul's case. Huh, that looks familiar.

And finally... Wolf Rider Gino, the other reward for handling Gino's dispatch mission! I have no idea how Gino could bear to part with this magnificent tiny sculpture.