Part 36: Ep. 26: Fenergetic!

Agent Walker is waiting for us in the lobby when we return. Does that man ever do his own work?


His bludgeoning weapon!

That's right, Sam is not a thug. He's now a gentleman thief.

Walker heads out, and Sam changes out of his parka and takes the elevator up to the hangar. So: what is a fenergy vent?

A fenergy vent is a crack in the floor from which raw fenergy flows; raw fenergy is, uh, blue-greenish smoke.

Basically, whenever Sam finds green smoke billowing from the ground, he can equip his terrifying scanning-claw tool, the F-Space Manipulator, and use the fenergy to become telekinetic. No, really.

Once Sam activates a fenergy vent, a grid appears, and then Sam can redecorate HQ with all this furniture that we've been finding! Finally! Furniture and decorations are used to further bolster the skills of our junior agent teams and make them even better at what they do, through the power of a comfortable and inspiring working environment. I guess it's like feng shui.

This television we found in the snow, for example, is worth one extra Charisma magnet. We levitate it up onto the table. Now a Charisma-heavy team can watch television and be slightly more charismatic in the field. Somehow.
The yellow footprints show where a Sim needs to be able to stand to 'use' the furniture in question; we can't block those off.

Much of the furniture we find can be interacted with, just like out in the world! We don't have much yet, but trust me, we'll find plenty of stuff.

Sam puts the rest of the +Charisma items up here, making the roof hangar into a PARTY DECK that will totally inspire Charisma types to greater success. Yes, sinks make Sims more charismatic. How? Well, they wash their hands in them. Sims with dirty, germy hands are gross. Sims with clean hands are therefore less disgusting. QED.

The second floor gets turned into a +Sports room for Roger. Earlier we found 'sports' music, which translates into a boom box that actually plays a tune until we turn it off. Sam also paints the walls a lovely shade of basketball.

The walled garden, unsurprisingly, gets transformed into our +Nature preserve. Pianos and pink plastic flamingos are totally natural.

And, finally, we turn the basement into a damp, shameful home for our +Paranormal neckbeards. Since we only have four floors for five Interests, Smarts will (for the time being) be divided evenly between the Paranormal floor and the Charisma floor. Sam can always redecorate if he needs to. We don't actually have much +Paranormal stuff right now, so we paint the floor with alien heads and chemistry sets.
Sam is really abusing that rock-wall texture. This will not be allowed to stand.

For the record: this is our Techno-Tool, which is our fancy new wrench/lockpick/offensive blender thing. We'll get to see it in action later.
For now, though, having made our agent stables all spiffy, Sam returns to the lobby and heads over to Jenny's receptionist desk.

Sam sighs, waits, checks his watch...

Sam interrupts.

Jenny shakes off the hurt after a moment and sighs.

Sam flails his arms.

Jenny sighs heavily. Sam walks over to join Buddy and Evelyn by the elevator.

Stop railroading me! <

Sam whips out his trusty notebook.

But first, we've got some important business to take care of, right here at HQ--next time, on MySims Agents!