Part 39: Dispatch Mission: Pig, Camera, Action!

Our team: Team Wolfah!

Sam heads down to the lobby and talks to Jenny. Looks promising! Sam officially dispatches Team Wolfah to round up some pigs--

--and sets off for Main Street to do a little undercover-stakeout work of his own.

All is well so far! Also, while Sam did forget to mute his phone, it's all right. He'd stepped out to grab a slice of pizza.

Phone's on 'vibrate' now. Promise.

Meanwhile, a bored Sam has discovered that Mayor Skip is really, really into that book. Must be a steamy chapter.

Sam gets tired of watching Mayor Skip read and decides to wander around town until his team finishes up.

Now comfortably ensconced on someone else's rooftop patio, Sam texts Renee back, recommending that she follow the official detour instead of haring off into the wilderness.

They should almost be there. But Sam is starting to worry: his team has gone a while without texting him...

Oh no! And they seemed to be doing so well! Sam drops everything and returns to HQ posthaste to deal with the fallout.

Well, that's terrible.
Sam gathers up his dejected squad and takes them up to the hangar for a pep talk underneath friendly blue skies.

Fired up by Sam's inspiring speech and their new +Charisma environment, the team sets out once again! This time Sam stays close to base, pacing around in the lobby, waiting to hear the results. After a nail-bitingly similar experience, finally the results are in:

Hooray! Wolfy biscuits for everyone! Sam lets out a huge sigh of relief and goes to debrief with Jenny.

We also get some retro square glasses and a cool Secret-Service headset.

Let's bring Renee in! She is... exactly the same as Leaf, only she likes pigs instead of rock.

Sam goes WHOA WHAT and this mission is a success!
Now that that's done, let's talk mechanics. I ran this mission five times--twice 'officially' with Team Wolfah and three times with other, random teams--to try and get a better grip on how regular dispatch missions actually work. This is what I've discovered:
- If the requester doesn't think the team we sent is up to the job stat-wise, they'll start the mission by saying something different:

- The person who asked for our help does most of the texting. Most of the junior agents will simply text us once during the mission to talk vaguely about what's going on. For example, here's what Rosalyn would have said.
- Sometimes, a specific Sim will offer us a choice instead, which can potentially benefit the mission. For example, if we'd lost our collective minds and sent Roger on this mission, he would have first asked us if he should jog in front of or behind the herd of pigs, then told us how that worked out for him.
- Choices are actually random and seem to be arbitrarily decided. Taking the detour could have failed; if we'd chosen to take the shortcut instead, that could have gone well for us or it could have gone poorly.
- Whether we succeed or fail is also somewhat arbitrary, at least at the one-star-mission level. Team Wolfah on the +Nature floor failed the mission despite doing everything correctly; Roger, by himself, assigned to a floor with no furnishings, still managed to succeed.
- This is actually a dull mission, Wolfah-wise. He's more interesting on other missions.
And, with that, it's

Elmira needs some assistant librarians! They should be Smart enough to figure out what books need to go where, and Athletic enough to then carry the books around! Who should we send to help?

You can see their stats in the second post in this thread, just underneath the OP.
Remember: there are no consequences for failing a dispatch mission. Vote for whoever you want to send! What are they going to do, talk too loudly in the library?
You've got approximately twenty-four hours to make your pick!