Part 41: Ep. 29: Quit Embarrassing Yourself


Sam is supposed to be looking for footprints. So, of course, he comes over here, taps into the fenergy vent, and starts moving old tires around. Hey, there's a chest on top of that shipping container! The chest turns out to contain wall paint. Sam is underwhelmed.

Might as well do some work. Sam whips out his magnifying glass and picks up the thief's trail. He's backtracked the trail to the beginning--losing it by a pile of metal crates that don't retain footprints--and is double-checking the forward trail when DOOP DOOP DOOP

What is it with these people and pigs?

Sam follows the tracks around the side of the shipping container and finds splats of blackish stuff on the ground.

A few feet later, the tracks and the oil splatters both come to an abrupt end. Where could the thief have gone? Where could the engine have gone? Were they removed from the junkyard with a crane?

Looking around for evidence of trespassers, Sam fixates on these little green seedlings. Gabby doesn't seem the farming type... Sam is on his way back to the entrance when AOOOOGA

We've done a good job of matching agent to mission, here. Be proud of yourselves. Sam leaves the junkyard and catches Gabby at the entrance.

But that... we just... hey, what's going on back there?

Sam goes to talk to the woman who is... supervising.

The lady with cat ears ditches Sam and goes to yell at the woman with the shovel instead. Sam patiently waits his turn.

A likely story. As if Morcucorp was going to come all the way out here just to plant seeds! Sam whips out the F-Space Manipulator and cracks open that suspicious crate, determined to get to the bottom of what they're really doing here.

... oh.
But wait!

Sam's on to you now!!

Sam considers for a moment, then pulls out the notebook again.

Sam heads back to the junkyard, pausing to confer with Buddy.

Newly edified, Sam catches up with Gabby.

Gabby runs off to kick Barney in the shins again. Sam pulls out his notebook once again.

And, as usual, he's heading that direction when RING RING RING RING ELMIRAPHONE

Sam considers the team that he sent. A tiny cubical wolf, a ridiculous athlete with the world's worst combover, and a lady with a fetish for paperwork... he tells Elmira to have them stamp books and puts his phone away.

Out comes the notebook again.

Or, you know, ask Gabby for the key, but we all know Sam isn't going to bother. Time to try out the Techno-Tool and the lockpicking minigame!

The fancy electro-techno-master key thing on the left needs to be pushed through the tumblers and into the slot on the right. It can only be moved left and right. Similarly, the blue tumblers can only move left and right, while the gold tumblers can only move up and down; we have to clear a path for the master key.

Pretty simple. Sam opens the now-unlocked cabinet.

Sam closes the cabinet and, once again, takes out his notebook.

But first, since we're outside the junkyard anyway...

Esma is not happy to be questioned.

Esma storms off to yell at Brandi some more, leaving an embarrassed Sam to his own devices. Sam hides behind his notebook.

So let's go see how, uh, force-able the car's hood is. Sam goes back into the junkyard and shuts the hood.

Sam shakes the car for all he's worth... but even with his fancy tool he's not strong enough to get the hood open. What can he possibly say to save face?

Dun dun dunnnnnn!


Concept Art: Esma and Brandi
by Ben Seto